
Worldview and its historical types

Worldview and its historical types

Outlookthe most important phenomenon of spirituality of the individual and society. He is the totality of their views, ratings, principles, beliefs and ideals, that reflect the shared vision and understanding of the world, a man's place in it, and with the attitudes and programs of human behavior, their actions.

In the worldview presented in the generalized form of cognitive, values and behavioral system of the person. It’facility in the world in General, but the subject and main feeds — relationships of the natural world and the world of man. 

Historically, the worldview was formed in two ways. The first is anthropomorphism (Greek. the likening to the person, endowing human qualities of objects and phenomena of inanimate nature, celestial bodies, animals, plants) — the awareness of the universe, the transfer to him of its qualities. It is the primary form of the worldview, characteristic of the early stages of development of man and society, when, for example, all nature seemed inspired people. Second — sociomorphic, the essence of which lies in the awareness of man and society itself by analogy to the properties and laws of nature. For example, the dependence of man and society from the laws of natural selection and struggle for existence. 

Actually Outlook is not only anthropomorphic or only socomenin. He is apropiacion, that is a reflection of the real world and its understanding from the point of view of the achieved knowledge. In SV’in this regard, in the Outlook there are two main levels: psychological, emotional, and logical-conceptual. 

Emotionally psychological level is the attitude of people: curiosity, surprise, awe, capture, anxiety, fear, despair, uncertainty, depression and the like. Logical-conceptual — a worldview (system General concepts, judgments and reasoning about the world in General and man's place in it). It can be ordinary, life, when based on experience, traditions, faith, or theoretical, if relies on the knowledge of the laws, scientific theories and principles. 

The content of the worldview is a collection of views, views, beliefs and ideals of people: natural science, philosophical, social, economic, political, legal, moral, aesthetic, religious, etc. They manifest themselves in the consciousness of the individual and society, in their value orientations, social settings, life plans and activities. Most importantly in the worldview — generic everyday, or vitally-practical, professional and scientific knowledge. So, the problem of maturity of the worldview in General is the problem of the level of spirituality of the individual and society. 

All historical experience shows the development of philosophy as inherited and consistent process. The first type is considered to be mythological world — views, view, beliefs, the ideals of ancient people about the world in General and my place in it, contained in myths, tales, heroic epics, legends, historical legends. It was based on the basic knowledge people, their primitive beliefs, various forms of art, as well as the existing system of values and sanctioned norms of behavior. It was a specific artistic creative mindset and worldview of the nature and essence of the world, the nature and essence of man, relations in the system “man — world”.

With the decline of primitive society, mythological Outlook has gradually exhausted itself, however, the stated problem remains. their inherited religious worldview. 

Its specificity lies in the views, views, beliefs and ideals doubling of the world on potable, that is, the earth, natural, what is perceived by the senses, and “otherworldly” — heavenly, supernatural, hypersensitive, which must be taken on faith. It, like religion in General, there is a phenomenon of spiritual life. In fantastic religious beliefs about the supernatural and powerful deities reflected the constant interference in people's lives extraneous natural and social forces. In search of protection from these forces, from evil, they have, people turn to God. By analogy concerning the relationship of the father and of the son of God is the patron Saint and Savior at the same time. 

The formation of a religious worldview refers to the time, when the society began to be additional the product, there’has elements of theoretical thinking and in SV’in this regard, the possibility of a separation of thought from reality, General concepts of the indicated object. In the religious worldview particularly attractive feelings of love, kindness, tolerance, condolences, mercy, conscience, responsibilities’communication, justice, and in the world Outlook — “common sense”, moral purification and the belief in a future salvation.

Religious worldview, so, the phenomenon is multidimensional and multivalued. It stems from the specific historical conditions of life and development of personality and society. Its main contents comprise the myths, but it's deeper mythological worldview reflects social being, and so often the master of thoughts and hopes of many people.

The highest historical type of world Outlook is the philosophical worldview. He is the necessary heir of the mythological and religious worldviews, but the difference is quite significant. If the religious worldview is attracted, mainly, attention to human concerns, hope, quest of faith, that is, the philosophical emphasis of the intellectual aspects reflect the need for understanding the world and man from the standpoint of knowledge and science.

The philosophical worldview is a theoretical worldview. Real observation, logical analysis, generalization, the results, evidence is forced out of his fantastic fiction, stories, images and the very spirit of mythological thinking, leaving them to the sphere of artistic creativity., ensure the harmony of knowledge with the life experience of people. In individual and social consciousness, he presents a diversity of views, views, beliefs, ideals, trends and directions: idealistic (sub’exceptions or’exceptions) or materialistic, metaphysical or dialectical, progressive or regressive, revolutionary or counter-revolutionary.  

This differentiation and polarization is due to the fact, what, being theoretically sound, he sums up, interprets, comprehends the achievement of knowledge, what develops, the experience of the people of the world and human history, reflects the whole spectrum of public life. However, all its variants is the generalized and the concrete historical reflection of reality. A truly scientific philosophical world Outlook is the result of reflection’exceptions are SV’s connections and relationships, relies on scientific knowledge and research. He considers all the items, phenomena and processes in the development and interaction, finds in the past lessons for the present and future. 

Philosophical worldview was formed long before our era, with party philosophical doctrines in Ancient India, Ancient China, Ancient Greece. Its development and improvement continued in the philosophical systems of the middle Ages, The Renaissance and modern times, in German classical philosophy, Marxist philosophy, as well as in philosophy of the XX—XXI centuries. Important role in this process was played by the domestic philosophical thought. At all stages of the development of philosophical worldview remained the spiritual essence of the era. On the way, which humanity came to modern philosophical worldview, tells the history of philosophy.
