
The development of romantic literature in France in the nineteenth.

The development of romantic literature in France in the nineteenth.

Romanticism in France was initially perceived as a foreign phenomenon, helped themselves to romance, referred to Shakespeare and Schiller, Calderon and man-ZON. But romanticism had strong roots in French history and culture, so he had a huge impact on the fate of national art, pulling the great creators: Hugo - in the literature, Delacroix - in painting, Berlioz - in music. 

French romanticism developed unevenly in different kinds of art. The beginning of literary romanticism was dated from the late XVIII century. It is considered, that romanticism arose as a reaction to the Enlightenment, although there was direct evidence, what a complete break between the romantics and protin in France was not. 

Periodization of romanticism in French literature was defined as the historical background, chronology and aesthetic development, the evolution of the literary process.

1795-1815 gg. - the period of entry into the literature of the first romantics, the emergence of the romantic movement, the founders were Germaine de staël and françois rené de Chateaubriand. So there was 2 school in early French romanticism - school de Stael and Chateaubriand. 

School de staël and her followers tried to defeat rationalism, but, in contrast to the school of Chateaubriand, which enlightenment belief in the primacy of Reason was opposed the Catholic-Christian spirituality, at first the plan put forward descriptions of individual feelings. Where Steel is required, to provide a sense not universal traits, and national color (as an example, “Romeo and Juliet” Shakespeare). 

First romance - first of all philosophers and politicians, therefore, theory and aesthetics of French romanticism was originally established in SV’in connection with the production of General-philosophical issues. The basis of his aesthetics of romanticism put the antithesis, which Victor Hugo defined as the ability to see two sides of an object or phenomenon. Indeed, French writers of this era liked to combine opposites: good and evil, the tragic and the comic, high and low, material and ideal, real and fantastic, life and death and the like.

The antithesis and lay the basis of division of art in the classical and romantic, first proposed by Germany de Stael in his treatise “About Germany”, which became the Manifesto of the French romantics. Attributed to classic southern literature, which was based on Greco-Roman antiquity; romantic literature developed in the Nordic countries and focused on the middle Ages, Christianity and folk traditions.

However, at the first stage of the development of romance is not yet opposed itself to classicists in the full sense. Typical, the romanticism in this phase developed only in prose genres, because this area almost did not take classes-cysts. 

An important achievement of the first romanticists was the opening “private person” (by analogy to “natural man” educators). Interest in her inner world gave impetus to the development of psychology, the specific expression of which is expanding the concept of “melancholy”. The first is the concept introduced Chateaubriand, later it developed the Same.Sand and Musset.

1815-1827 gg. - the time of occurrence of the broad romantic movement, in which was formed the current, school, grouping, mugs; the emergence of romantic poetry (Lamartine, de Vigny, Victor Hugo), historical romantic novel (Victor Hugo, de Vigny), the first romantic dramas (“drama for reading” Mérimée, Vite, Hugo). Should pam’bookmark, what the romantic movement was not about’cohesive overall artistic method, it was based on the unity of artistic direction. Therefore, in addition to romantic currents (lyrically philosophical (Lamartine), historical and picturesque (Hugo)) there’vilasa and for the realistic, at the head of which appeared F. Stendahl. Otherwise have a relationship with clasicistas, which largely cooperated with the romantics. 

1827-1835 gg. - at this time, the romanticism fully acquires the features of direction (that is about romance’was connected only artistic method), and this direction became the leading French literature. The beginning of this stage is marked by the appearance of the main aesthetic Manifesto of the French romantics - “The Preface to “Cromwell” Victor Hugo. The outstanding poet was at the head of the most influential literary’unity romantics - “Cenacle”. In literature came de Musset and.Sand, and with them - established for psychological. Romanticism triumphed over classicism in the field of drama. 

1835-1843 gg. - at this time, from romanticism stood out for the realistic orientation led by Stendhal, therefore, this period is also called “the period of interregnum”, when the literature was dominated by 2 directions. But they have not faced each other, even were insufficiently differentiated. The difference of romanticism and realism is especially apparent in the resolution of the question of the influence of circumstances and society on human development, that defended the realists and romantics denied. There were interference of romanticism and critical realism, what was positive (strengthening social motives in the work.Sand in the early 40-ies.). Selecting similar aesthetic positions, Stendahl, Balzac, Merimee, Berenger became the first representatives of critical realism.

1843-1848 gg. - the crisis of romanticism. Manifesto of late romanticism was the treatise by V. Hugo “W. Shakespeare”. Successfully developed only during the romantic, stand’connected with utopian socialism (Same.Sand, Sainte-BEUVE, Hugo, etc.), the most popular of the novels - Felton A. Dumas-father, E. Coj. 

The defeat of the revolution 1848 the year marked the end of romanticism as a literary movement. Opposed to the views of the romantics and the realists became apparent. During this period with renewed vigor sounded romantic ideas, launched in the beginning of the century about the significance in literature of the author, active writing position. 

To 1870 year during the romantic finally fell, on its basis arose the symbolism and neo-romanticism. 

Art the system of French romanticism inherent significant differences: not developed a folklore-folk for, on tomnosti intensively developed “biranna for”, active development of socio-utopian trends, intensive development of realistic tendencies, in 30-40 years resulted in a realistic direction in the works of Balzac, Stendhal, Merimee. French romanticism previously entered in prose, later spread in poetry, the particular success of the ballad, also popular was the genre of Elegy. Theater of romance ran in the late 20-ies. The leading genre was not a tragedy, and drama on historical or conditionally-historical subjects. Strongly developed historical novel. 

Victor Hugo - only in Europe, who remained faithful to the romantic direction until the end of life, then, in General romantic movement in French literature dried up already 40-50 years 19 article, and in German literature 20-ies. He is one of many, who put a curse on the French revolution, the idea of revolution in General, who kept the faith and optimism in the possibility of reasonable progress and the creative potential of man and mankind. It is thanks to Victor Hugo French romanticism was perceived as the most socially oriented, nasazeni social ideas: empathy for the poor and disadvantaged, the demand for social justice, while the English romanticism, at least in the works of Byron and Shelley, his main pathos made the greatness of the human spirit and creative power struggle seen rather in the personal impulse of man, than in public construction. German romanticism was picked up by metaphysics and spiritualism, grotesque fiction, plunged into the sphere of the supersensible.
