
Personnel policy of the enterprise

Implementation of the goals and objectives of personnel management personnel policy is carried out through. There are many different points of view regarding the definition of “personnel policy”. For example, A. In. Krushelnytska and D. P. Melnychuk believe, what: “Personnel policy is a set of principles, methods, forms the institutional mechanism for the formation of, play, the development and use of personnel, the creation of optimal working conditions, his motivation and encouragement“. Is.In. Maslov defines the personnel policy as “the main direction in the work with personnel, a set of principles, implemented the HR Department of the company”. According to A.. Sahakyan, “… personnel policy – the system of goals, principles and forms, methods and criteria of personnel, moreover, this provision applies to all staff employed, within which control is exercised”.

Thus, personnel policy of the enterprise is a system of principles, ideas, requirements, defining the main directions of work with personnel, its forms and methods.

Personnel policy determines the General direction and principles of work with personnel, General and specific requirements and is being developed by the owners of the company, senior management, the HR Department.

 The main objective of personnel policy is timely provision of optimum balance of processes of acquisition, staff retention, its development in accordance with the needs of the enterprise, the requirements of current legislation and the labour market.

Objective of personnel policy of the enterprise.


Target personnel policy can be solved in different ways, in this case there are alternatives:

• dismiss employees or to keep; if you store, by what means;

• conduct training independently or search for those, who already has the necessary training;

• conduct recruitment from external sources or to retrain workers, to be fired from the company;

• conduct additional recruitment or be content with the existing number subject to more efficient use of it;

• to invest in training “cheap”, but highly specialized workers, or “expensive”, but maneuverable, etc.

The main varieties of personnel policy are considered: recruitment policies, training policy, policy of remuneration, the policy of formation of personnel procedures, politics of social relations.

In large companies HR policy, as a rule, officially declared and recorded in detail in the corporate documents: memorandums, instructions, regulating the most important aspects of human resource management. In small businesses it, as a rule, specifically developed, and exists as a system of informal units owners.

Considered, that the written clearance of personnel policies:

• accurately and clearly reflect the views of the administration of the company;

• to convince the staff in the goodwill of the administration of the company;

• improving interaction between departments of the company;

• to provide consistency in the process of making personnel decisions;

• inform staff about the rules of internal relations;

• improve moral-psychological climate in the team, etc. Personnel policy of the enterprise should be based on the principles.


The basis of formation of personnel policy of the enterprise supports the analysis of the personnel structure, efficient use of working time, forecasts of development of the enterprise and employment of staff. Sometimes this work is performed by a special consulting organizations, and although their fees are very high, the result far exceeds the cost.

Personnel policy of an enterprise depends on internal and external factors.


So, to external factors, determine the personnel policy of the enterprise, belong: national labour legislation; relations with the trade Union; state economic con’conditions; the situation on the labour market.

For example, presence in the regulations of some countries restrictions on the use of tests in employment forces the employees of the personnel management services to be very creative in designing programs for the selection and orientation of staff.

Focusing on the light of the situation on the labour market, it is necessary to analyze the competition, sources of acquisition, structural and occupational composition of the labour force. It is important to obtain information about professional and public’unity, involving employees of the company or the candidate. Strategy, data’s connections, their traditions and priorities in the means of struggle necessary to allow for the creation and implementation of effective HR programmes in the enterprise.

Internal factors, determine the personnel policy of the enterprise, there:

• the company's goals and their time perspective

So, for example, for businesses, what is aimed at quick profits and then minimize the work, is a very different professionals compared to companies, focused on the progressive deployment of large production with many branches;

• management style

Business comparison, built tough in a centralized fashion, and those, that prefer decentralization, shows, what these enterprises require a different composition of professionals;

• conditions of work

The most important characteristics of the work, which attract or repel people, there:

• the degree of required physical and mental effort;

• the degree of hazard of the work health’I;

• location jobs;

• the length and structure of work;

• interaction with others during work;

• the degree of freedom when solving problems;

• understanding and acceptance of the company's goals.

As a rule, the presence of even a small number of unattractive for workers task requires from the Manager on staff of creation of special programs to attract and retain employees in the company;

• qualitative characteristics of labour collective

So, work as part of a successful team can be an additional incentive, contributing to steady productive work and job satisfaction.

HR policy is based on human concepts of the enterprise, that is close to production, financial and economic, scientific and technical, marketing policy element of the General concept of its development.

Personnel policy at the enterprise of the future, according to Western experts, should be based on the following principles:

• full trust to the employee and giving them maximum autonomy;

• in the centre of economic governance should not be Finance, and the man and his initiative;

• the result of activity of the enterprise is determined by the degree of team cohesion;

• maximum delegation of management to employees;

• the need to develop employee motivation.

Today JSC “The concern “Styrene” the basis of the personnel policy laid down three basic principles: staff-strategy, personnel logistics, personnel competence. These principles cover all aspects of human activity: the workforce planning system of the enterprise; methods and sources to meet the staffing needs; the system of evaluation and selection of candidates for the vacant posts; the solution to the problems of adaptation of the employed personnel; a system of continuous improvement qualification level of employees of the concern; certification of managers and specialists; provision for reserve; the formation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in collectives of divisions of the group, improving corporate culture.

In SV’in connection with the strategic concepts of personnel management before’new requirements for future HR managers, in particular: dedication, the scale, interpersonal skills, the ability to analyze and solve complex problems, to synthesize a decision under conditions of uncertainty and limited information.. The main directions of personnel policy of the enterprise.


The mechanism of realisation of personnel policy is a system of plans, norms and standards, organizational, administrative, social, economic and other activities, aimed at solving human problems and satisfying the needs of enterprises in personnel.

The main feature of the entire system of development and implementation of effective personnel policy in the enterprise is the fact, that a significant proportion of the work with personnel should perform themselves line managers, while human resources personnel have a duty’related to help them and provide appropriate support (staff time line managers to perform HR functions in progressive enterprises ranging from 30 to 60 %). The basic rules are the following:

• every leader is the chief of staff;

• every Director is a personnel Director, regardless of what sphere of activity he is responsible;

• HR literacy is an essential element, what determines promotion, managers of all levels.
