
Characteristic of the lesion of nuclear lesions

When a nuclear explosion on the ground formed hotbed of nuclear lesions – territory, within which nuclear strike occurred the massive defeat of personnel, destruction and damage weaponry, technology, engineering equipment items, fires, radioactive contamination.

Border hearth nuclear lesion goes through the points on the ground, where the excess pressure in the shock wave front is 10 kPa.

Depending on the nature of the damage and rescue volume hotbed of nuclear lesion is divided into zones.

Full zone of destruction-characterized by excessive pressure in the front air shock wave 50 KPA and above (figure 1.11.).

Vosplamenivšiesâ of light burning and rubble covered lot construction collapsed buildings, causing strong smoke, (When a nuclear explosion in the city).

Figure 1.11. The zone of destruction and radioactive contamination in the source nuclear lesions

/ - the weak zone of destruction; // - secondary zone of destruction; /// - devastation zone; IV - full zone of destruction; / - radioactive contamination zone (And - moderate, B - strong, In - dangerous, G - extremely dangerous); 2 - average wind direction; R - the radius of the hearth nuclear lesions

Devastation zoneIt is characterized by excessive pressure in the shock wave front from 50 to 30 KPA From light solid fires occur.

Secondary zone of destruction When overpressure Shockwave in front of 30 to 20 KPA and the formation of individual and continuous fire.

The weak zone of destructionIt is characterized by excessive pressure in the shock wave front from 20 to 10 KPA and the formation of separate fires.

The radii of the hearth zones of nuclear power depends on the defeat of the explosion q, the type of explosion, terrain and other factors. Hearth size nuclear lesions for flat terrain approximately can be taken for area of a circle and calculated with the formula

S = 2,

where R- distance (RADIUS) from the center of the explosion to the border of the hearth of nuclear destruction-to-the-point with overpressure 10 kPa (frontier safe disposal).

Hotbed of nuclear lesion is characterized by complicated fire situation. In the middle are three major defeat nuclear fire zone: individual fire zone, area of solid fires and fires in the rubble.

Highlight the kind of fire called- "Fire storm"This is a special type of continuous fire in large parts (1,5…2 km2). Occurs in large inhabited by paragraphs with high-density construction and implementation of buildings of combustible materials, either because of the flammable liquid flowing over 100 ha. Pillar of fire rises to a height of up to 5 km, raises the hurricane wind, directed to the center of the fire. Feature fire storm that, that it does not apply.

Table 1.13. The radii of the zones of failure of personnel, military equipment, armaments and fortifications in the explosion of nuclear munitions (m)

Objects and object elements Type of explosion (N-ground, In-air) Power blast (thousand. t.)
0,02 0,05 0,1 0,5
I. Personal membership
Outside shelter N
In the trenches (cracks) N,In
In tanks N,In
In blindažah N
In shelters, light type N
In shelters heavy type N
II. Military equipment and armament
Heavy, medium tanks and SELF-PROPELLED GUNS N,In
Light tanks and SELF-PROPELLED GUNS N,In
Ground artillery guns N,In
Anti-aircraft artillery guns N
Trucks N
Car radios N
III. Defensive structures
The trench without clothes krutostej N,In
Trench with clothing krutostej N
Abri shelters N
Asylum light type N
Asylum heavy type N

From the data in the table, it can be concluded, the explosions of less than 1 CT more effective in case of personnel, because the radii of zones of failure calculations and crews, arising from the, as a rule, effects of penetration radiation, significantly larger radii zones of failure of equipment and armament (drawings 1.12; 1.13; 1.14; 1.15; 1.16).

Figure 1.12. Complete destruction of the tank

Figure 1.13. Artillery tractor, received strong
