
The labor collective, as a social inst

 Social community in sociology understand the true totality of individuals, fixed empirically, different relative integrity and stands as an independent sub’the object of historical and social action, behavior. A significant attribute of social communities is their joint participation in various social processes and social activities, what et’connects the community with each other.

Most authors of domestic and foreign sociological literature stand’is associated with common three main features:

• territory;

• social interaction;

• the presence of strong SV’relations between individuals.

 Social community showcases a huge variety of types and forms. Among them are two of the most wide subclass: mass and group community.

The labor collective refers to a group of community and has all its characteristic features:

• the labor collective is a community, that has a organic character. It is a holistic system, General properties which do not coincide with the sum of the properties of social groups and individuals, member;

• it has certainty and stability. Labor groups, as a rule, different temporal and spatial certainty, that is, have their territory and the history of the origin and development;

• he has the ability to perform different types of socio-labor activity;

• it is characterized by homogeneity (uniformity) composition, that is, the presence of signs, inherent in all individuals, what are the labor collective;

• he goes into the broader community as their structural formation.

As you can see, the staff is inherent in all the social communities signs. At the same time, it has some features:

• along with the homogeneity characteristic and some heterogeneity, that is, the heterogeneity in composition of social groups. Any labour collective provides social group work, ITP, servants, etc.;

• close with family, social class and ethnic groups, he also represents a kind of social unit of society, that is based on relations of equality and inequality with other labor collectives. It is especially important to consider the manifestation of such a relationship between the primary workforce within a single enterprise.

Let us consider these features.

As you know, between the workforce and society, there is the stars’communication of two kinds. With one hand, the labour collective as a social community is in a broader territorial community, the population of the city, where rosene enterprise. This star’communication is indirect.

On the other hand, it Wops’is associated with the society directly, after a certain number of employees. The composition of the workforce of the enterprise, that is also the staff, is a group of members of the society, o’s joint enterprise with unity of purpose specific employment. At the same time they differ in social properties. This difference is due to their belonging to different ethnic, demographic, social class, political, professional qualification and other communities and groups of people. Other differences are due to differences in individual psychophysiological characteristics of the people.

The staff made an impact in two directions. First, its equipment is carried out in accordance with production requirements, and not in proportion to the regional distribution of populations. This often leads to imbalances in the social structure of the region, and may result in inefficient labor mobility of workers.

Secondly, the enterprise creates certain conditions for self-realization of the individual employee, change his social status. Towards the creation of an enabling environment in which there is a coordination of interests of the individual, team and society, is the development of enterprise personnel.

Important role in the process of change and development of the enterprise belongs to the identity the kernel. This is the term sociologists use to refer to that part of the team, which most fully embodies objectives, standards, values and models of the employment behavior of, are more relevant to modern society cellars. One of the important properties of such a group is its stability. Thanks to her perhaps the successful functioning of the enterprise, o’unity around the core of the active part of labor collective, as well as the continuity of the employment of technology, traditions and norms of labor behavior. An equally important factor, which complements the stability, there is adaptability, variability in accordance with the increasing demands of society.

The process of identification of the employee with the employees, the perception of him as a priority and a vital social value has a long and controversial. Sociological studies define the period of 10-15 years. This time is necessary for socio-psychological and moral identification with the workforce, securing it in the system established stereotypes and patterns of behavior, value-normative orientations and motivational structure of the individual employee.

The total impact on the personnel of the enterprise among the masses to contribute to the realization of each employee a dual social role: disciplined, responsible worker and organizer, creative employee, and in some cases the owner of the company.

With the combination of social roles personnel stand’is this feature of the labor collective, as the multilevel structure of social interests. Because it simultaneously has various social groups (working, employees, managers, etc.), it acts as a specific social community, that has a system of sibling, multilevel and social interests (for example, the employee is at the same time “actually work”, that is belongs to this social class group, and “an employee of a certain company”, what does the presence of his, so to speak, “brand” social interests, inherent not only a work, but servants, managers, the entrepreneur of the organization). This feature raises a number of specific social problems of labor collectives.

Among these problems are distinguished in the literature: the problem of social competition, unequal opportunities status promotion, social conflicts.

Given, that consideration of the problems of social conflicts in the workplace next Chapter, let's briefly review other problems.

The problem of social competition, is, what teams are entering the markets and regulate its relations with other labor organizations, citizens in General, with consideration of group interests, the consequence is often “group egoism”, exclusive support at a high level of prices for certain goods and services, other similar stereotypes of group behavior.

Another problem is the existence and certain trends of social and group mobility. And the fact, different labour organizations have unequal social potential (work in different areas of production, have unequal number, related to various forms of ownership, etc.), leads to negating “promotion”, in particular vertical, different social groups and collectives. So, if in a planned economy, totalitarian society the most flourishing teams defense industry, they are now quickly “roll” down the social ladder. And Vice versa, private trading patterns, which previously operated only in “shadow” the economy, now move on up the social ladder. Of course, this creates complex problems for groups in General, and their members.

To prevent social tension and potential conflict it is important to be able to identify these problems, to assess their degree of urgency, to adequately classify. That is, to provide timely and accurate information for management decision.

Turning to the consideration of the labour collective as a community of small primary labor collectives, note, sociology of work in such studies recommends to rely on the regularities of functioning of small social groups.

In primary labor collective, its members’s combined total employment, what happens in the immediate continuous personal communication with each other. This is the basis for the emergence of how emotional relations, and special group values and norms of behavior. The most direct sustainable personal communication, communication, the primary interaction distinguish employees from other labor groups (primary or intermediate).

The dimensions of the small labor groups ranging from two people to several dozen employees. The most effective, in connection with socio-psychological research, there are primary groups (brigade) p’of five to seven people.

Functional role of small social groups, sho they constitute the immediate social environment of the individual. Thus they perform the function of a bridge in the system “personality-society”. Through belonging to a small labor collectives, as in other small groups, the person is aware of their belonging to the society, their participation in his life, their public interest and social role. Such groups are an effective medium of socialization of the individual, the personality, and carry on the ideas, the basics, values and norms of behavior, available in society.

Each of the primary workforce has a relative independence of both the sub’the object of social relations. Besides, each of them characterized by individual dissimilarity with other sub’actors-groups. This is explained by the dual nature of social functions of small groups. At the same time, they reflect the socio-labour relations of labour collective of the main, they are organically included, and send them in within-group relationships in the primary team. In addition, on the basis of personal contacts between the members of primary group there is a network emotional, psychological relations. Differences in the composition of such groups creates each of them distinctive socio-psychological atmosphere.

Merging into a single system, both types of relations — Oh’s objective, social and sub’s objective, psychological — a form of interpersonal group relations, what are the essential difference of small groups from other groups. These qualitative differences of the primary labor collectives should be considered the heads of staff, especially the middle level.

Concluding the consideration of labor collectives, we emphasize:

1. Each workforce should be viewed as system integrity, that has a hierarchical structure and interacts with the external environment.

2. Each business unit is a functional unit of production, a subsystem of the social system of a higher order, as well as a small group or a collection of small groups.

3. Each member of the workforce is both the employee, the individual and the social system.

The complexity and varied tapestry of social SV’connections in the workforce require significant knowledge in this area for the successful implementation of the social management of the workforce.

Concluding from the above, it is advisable to pay attention to the fact, what the labor collective represents a set of employees, o’common goal to achieve certain end results of their joint activity. The labor collective has the controls, discipline and responsibility. Social role is realized in a set of interrelated functions: production and economic, organizational management, educational, social control, meeting the needs of employees, creation of conditions for self-realization, as well as the functions and reproduction of collectivist, the democratic way of life.

Each workforce has its place in production-the economic structure of society and represents a complex social system, in which, through the functional interaction of different structures and individual employees implemented two interconnected subsystems: social organization and social community.

The labor collective has all the essential characteristics of social organization and acts as a medium of the subject, and the environment. On this basis, there are formal and photoformable organization. The main purpose of formal organization’novati workers with the means and purpose of those or other activities. Photoformable organization occurs as a manifestation of dereglement office activity and serves to compensate for failures and limitations of formal organization.

The staff has all the essential characteristics of social community. Group as a social community is a, as a rule, community small groups (small labor collectives), components of the direct social environment of the employee. The social function of these groups are of two types: engaging employees in social and labor relations of the main staff and creation on the basis of personal contacts of employees network emotional, psychological relations. O’douches, they form interpersonal group relations, which constitute the essential difference of small groups from other types of collectives.
