About Myself – О себе

We can get to know a person only in the process of communication. Sometimes, though, we want to get to know somebody without such opportunity. Then we may ask him to describe himself. If you would like to know me better, you may read this short description of my personality.

Holidays – Праздники

I guess people all over the world like holidays. During celebration time people, as a rule, visit their friends and relatives, have parties and give and receive presents. Some of the holidays have its own customs and traditions.

England – Англия

На нашем веб-сайте также подготовлен топик про Англию, советуем вам изучить его (Великобритания – часть Англии). England and Great Britain are sometimes mistaken for being the same country. But in fact, England is a part of Great Britain – or the United Kingdom (the UK), which is more correct to say.

Music – Музыка

Music and Humanity Music has been with people since their early days. The first humans мейд primitive musical instruments and surrounded themselves with sounds and melodies. In the palaces of the rich there were court musicians and singers to please the lords’ ears.