
Political sociology of Mikhail Dragomanov.The Ukrainian idea of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky

Political sociology of Mikhail Dragomanov

Mykhailo Drahomanov (1841-1895 pp.) was one of the founders of the Ukrainian sociology, man, that first used the term “sociology” in the course of his lectures.

The most famous works of M. Drahomanov: “The question of the value of the Roman Empire and Tacitus”, “Chudzik thoughts on the Ukrainian national cause”, “Shevchenko, the Ukrainophiles, and socialism”, “The position and tasks of the science of ancient history”. Mihilo Drahomanov believed sociology universal, but the exact science of society. He is quite critical of some conceptual provisions of positivism In. Conta organistion theory and society G. Spencer.

According to M. Drahomanov, sociology - it's the study of human activity in society, therefore, it must contain the same generalization, the wording of the laws, as science. This requires the use of the sociological method “logical semantics”, which means the classification, analytical typification and grouping of social phenomena.

The structure of society, by M. Drahomanov, has three major subsystems:

  • material, up society (individuals, nation);
  • society (their shape: seven’I, class, state of the Union, the interstate Alliance);
  • products social activities (material and moral).

Continuation and development of the sociological method is the comparative, or the comparative method, which is often used by scientist. Widely using comparative method, M. Drahomanov studies:

  • various social, ethnic groups, as well as their representatives in different historical periods;
  • the life of contemporary peoples, which was at a primitive stage of development, that gives the opportunity to verify the facts of ancient history;
  • certain artifacts of the past, captured in folklore, customs, folk traditions.

Part sociological method is the principle of historicism in the form of system, concrete historical approach.

The development of society stand’is associated with the influence of various factors: economic, political, cultural, spiritual. So, M. Drahomanov responds to attempts to portray the diversity of social phenomena as the result of the action of any single factor - whether economic, geographical.

Quite actively uses M. The concept of Drahomanov state, class, mass, Corporation. Defining classes, he proceeded from the division of society on people “m’muscular and mental work”. The social structure is influenced not only by economic relations, method of production, but the political activity, socio-cultural and other social actors.

The division of society into classes, the poor and powerful arises from the existence of private property, what is a specific historical phenomenon, which occurs at a fairly high level of development of society. As a historical phenomenon private property is not eternal and will eventually give way to the property team.

The main factors of social progress M. Drahomanov believed: economic progress, free science and philosophy, а також культуру. Social progress, having an irreversible character, is a natural, free from the accidents of the process, which has its own logic. WithOspina-historical movement are not linear, and changes of pace, time stops, rolled back, return to the already passed stages.

Speaking about social evolution, M. Drahomanov, along with the gradual transition of society to a higher degree, rejected and revolutionary way. And the preference he gives gradual, nevybocovala, spasmodic, the progressive movement of society, where people have great opportunities for individual and social expression and decision,’s'asana own life's problems.

Significant place in the works of M. Drahomanov is a problem of political relations. He is considered the founder of political liberalism in Ukraine. The relationship between the state and society, between public priorities and the personal rights and individual freedom which is the concern of political sociology M. Drahomanov.

The Ukrainian idea of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky

In the history of science and culture of Ukraine late XIX - the first half of XX centuries. in the study of the problems of statehood and democracy in Ukraine an important place belongs to Mikhail Sergeevich Grushevsky (1866-1934 .) - famous scientist, historian, politician, the founder of the national democratic party of Galicia and the society of Ukrainian progressives in Kiev. He graduated from the Kiev University, head of the Department of world history at Lviv University. In March 1917 g. joined the Ukrainian party of socialist revolutionaries. He Headed The Central Rada. In April 1918 g . elected President of Ukraine, later emigrated to Austria. Back in 1924 g. Ukraine. Was some creative and political evolution, in particular from the historical populist concept to the statist side, from the federalist to samostiina.

The concept of Mykhajlo Hrushevsky is, what socio-political progress was still determined biological, economic and psychological factors. Community development was to a certain alternation of two opposite instincts - collectivist (solidarity) and ndivia. Political power, sources, determining (religious cults, material well-being, etc.), understand how natural, social phenomenon. Describes the various types and forms of power, the mechanism for gaining power and retaining its dominant elite, provides a scheme of the historical process in Eastern Europe, what developed, first of all, under the angle of development of the history of Ukrainian statehood idea. In the beginning 1918 g. Hrushevsky moved to the idea of national independence and sovereignty of Ukraine, her independence.

Great erudition in the field of history, literature, art allowed Hrushevsky to develop their understanding of social process and political development. Withut historiosophical concept is three main concepts: people, the state and the hero in history. People - this notion of metaphysics romantic period, whereas, the state - it's anarcho-socialist Proudhon, the notion of-Dragomanov, and the hero in the history of answers of positivism as a method of cognition. Hrushevsky saw the true power of history. Exploring the history of the Ukrainian people, puts forward the idea of “national defense”.

The whole history of the Ukrainian people - this awakened energy of national self-preservation against the danger of national destruction visible. On this historic soil grow ideals of the Ukrainian people: freedom, equality and the national ideal of justice or autonomy. Considering the evolution of the so-called class of the state, Hrushevsky concludes, this process is characterized by a considerable aggravation of competitive struggle in the ruling elite for power, notes contradictions, occurring between layers, etc.. And here draws attention to such a powerful force, where is the national sense.

In the historical writings of Mykhailo Hrushevsky consistently carries out the idea, that is not Ukraine broke away from Kievan Rus, and Vice versa, Kievan Rus was the first and oldest form of Ukrainian life. With particular clarity were determined in the history of the two peoples - Russian and Ukrainian, the two largest species among the words’Yang tribes. The historical destiny had brought them together, moreover, in the first centuries of their historic life the role of the Creator, culturally and politically dominant Eastern European element played the Ukrainian nation, and then - the great Russian nation. The historical life of the ethnic groups developed independently and peculiar, all increasing the amount of difference of lifestyle and separating them national types increasingly sharp feature. Undoubtedly, two peoples, two stories. After all, the turn of historical fate of the Ukrainian people was the IV article. n. E., when there is some information about the Ukrainians. The resettlement of Ukrainian families on their current territory coincides with the beginning of their historic life. Century, immediately follow the resettlement, prepare state organization, which history is the main content of the first period of the historical life of the Ukrainian people. Autonomous public life of the Ukrainian people lived a relatively short time in ancient period of its history. Since XI^ St. the Ukrainian people is included with other foreign States, serving as passive in’ the object of their rule, that being more or less determined and harsh opposition to management, and more. This concept of the origin of the state of Ukraine.

Since 1906 g. Hrushevsky more and more drawn to the events in Ukraine. He himself supported the idea of Ukrainian autonomy in the Russian Federal Republic. And in the concept of the sovereignty of Ukraine - the state, that builds relations with other States on an equal, a mutually beneficial basis. Mykhajlo Hrushevsky made a lot of creative. Autonomous-federalist views of Mykhailo Hrushevsky was based on the firm belief, the autonomy of Ukraine is based on fair, fair Federation with Russia. Later under the pressure of events, Mykhailo Hrushevsky justifies the proclamation of Ukraine as a sovereign state.
