Vortex electric field and its relation with the magnetic field

The emergence of E. D. with. induction in a straight conductor, moving in a magnetic field, it was explained by the action of the Lorentz force on the moving charge carriers. However, to explain in this way the appearance of e. d. with. induction in the secondary circuit when it is stationary relative to the primary circuit (it was impossible, since there is no magnetic field on resting charges. Remember, resting on the charge acts the electric field. […]

The energy of the charged capacitor. The energy density of the electric field

Work of forces of the electric field when moving the charge q between two points of equal field qU, if the voltage U remains constant. Однако при зарядке конденсатора напряжение на его обкладках возрастает от нуля до U, and when evaluating the work of the field in this case the voltage of you need to take its average value. Thus,

Electromotive force of a source of electrical energy

Work of forces of the electric field when moving the charge around a closed circuit is zero. This means, what if in a closed circuit the charges are only electric forces, we work through current can not be obtained. Therefore, in an electrical circuit must be at least one such site, in which mobile charge carriers, in addition to the strength of the electric field, действовали […]

A closed electrical circuit

Brief electrical current in the conductor can be obtained, a conductor connecting two charged conductive body, which have different capacity. The current in the conductor disappears, when the potential of the bodies becomes same. Recall, that generally current in the conductor field inside it weakens and smoothes the potential of all points of a conductor.

The electric field

Let any point in space is a point electric charge q (rice. 15.1). Then at each point of the environment on the test charge will operate electric power. Поэтому поле вокруг заряда иногда называют силовым полем. Power, acting on the same test charge at various points in an electric field, vary in size and direction (rice. 15.1). Поэтому целесообразно […]


Electric charge (q , TC - pendant) measure electromagnetic interactions between charged bodies. The electric charge particle does not exist. (+ and +; - and - ) repel, and (+ and -) attracted. The elementary charge (minimum) q =1,6 10-19Кл. Minimum ( + ) is an elementary particle, the proton, ( - ) electron. Тело заряжено положительно если […]

Conductor in an electric field

As you know, characteristic of conductors is, they always have a large number of mobile charge carriers, t. e. free electrons or ions. Inside the conductor, these charge carriers, generally speaking, move randomly. However, if the conductor has an electric field, on chaotic motion of the carriers imposed their orderly movement in the direction of the action of electric forces. It […]

Piezoelectric effect

The study of the properties of solid dielectrics showed, some of them are polarized not only by the electric field, but in the process of deformation under mechanical effects on them. Dielectric polarization under mechanical impact on him is called the direct piezoelectric effect. This has the effect of quartz crystals and all ferroelectrics. To watch, from crystal cut rectangular parallelepiped, […]

Electric field as a special kind of matter

Signals of distant events we always get from the media. For example, telephone communication is performed through electric wires, the transmission of speech at a distance occurs with sound waves, propagating in the air (in a vacuum sound cannot propagate). Since the occurrence of the signal is always a material phenomenon, its distribution, связанное с передачей энергии от точки […]

A uniform field. Surface charge density.

Take two identical metal plates and arrange them parallel to each other, as shown in figure. 15.8. If one plate to let the charge +q, and another q, between them an electric field. The line tension of this field is parallel, if the distance between the plates is small compared with their linear dimensions. You can prove, что плотность линий напряженности в […]