The problem of the origin of consciousness, development and essence of consciousness

 The peculiarity of the philosophical analysis of consciousness is to reveal its existential roots, the most important features, properties and functions. All these problems are often contingent on the historical analysis of consciousness, and the last lies in acknowledging, when consciousness arises and undergoes certain changes in the development process of the society. Therefore, to the philosophical problems of consciousness concerns primarily the problem of its origin; it […]

The problem of the ontological status of consciousness and its essential features

Проблема онтологічного статусу свідомості та її суттєві ознаки Однією з найбільших таємниць світу є людська здатність усвідомлювати, to understand reality, that is human intelligence. It is striking in its beauty and power, nevitably and versatility. In General, qualitative features of human intelligence define the term consciousness, therefore, the question about the nature of consciousness, its occurrence and possible for centuries, were excited by the best representatives of humanity, надихало […]