Paul A. Zagrebelny

Paul A. Zagrebelny was born 25 August 2022 g. in pridneprovskogo salosina the village in Poltava region. 1941 G., after school, the future writer went as a volunteer to the front: became a cadet of the 2nd Kyiv Arturia, participated in the defense of Kiev, he was twice wounded. After the second injury 1942 g. taken prisoner before February 1945 g. wandered in Nazi concentration camps. After […]

Pavlo Zagrebelny. The Novel "The Miracle". Images Of Siwaaka, Prince Yaroslav the Wise.

Image Sivooka Sivook - This is a completely fictional image, which Pavel Zagrebelny has entered into a novel, in order to show that the plight of the common people, but at the same time with an unconquerable spirit and strength of will. The process of formation of talent of Kawaoka has gone through many stages , but at the end of vìdtvorivsâ the most famous architectural monument in times of Kievan Rus ' […]