Consciousness and self-consciousness (subconscious,unconscious,conscious)

Consciousness as inner world of a person has a complex structure, one traditionally explored philosophy and psychology. In the XX century. the structure of consciousness have been studied by philosophical school, as phenomenology, psychoanalysis, existentialism, structuralism, hermeneutics, cognitive psychology, etc.. Given the results of the latest achievements, it should be noted, the complexity of fixing the structural units of consciousness is the need to distinguish between functional and effective properties, which […]

The problem of the ontological status of consciousness and its essential features

Проблема онтологічного статусу свідомості та її суттєві ознаки Однією з найбільших таємниць світу є людська здатність усвідомлювати, to understand reality, that is human intelligence. It is striking in its beauty and power, nevitably and versatility. In General, qualitative features of human intelligence define the term consciousness, therefore, the question about the nature of consciousness, its occurrence and possible for centuries, were excited by the best representatives of humanity, надихало […]