
Delivery vehicles and carriers of nuclear weapons

Means of delivery and the carriers of nuclear weapons are ballistic and cruise missiles, aircraft carrier, artillery, submarines and surface ships, armed with missiles and torpedoes with nuclear warheads. These tools are in service with the militaries of NATO countries, first and foremost, they have the U.S. armed forces, which in its composition have a strong strategic offensive forces.

Strategic offensive forces of the United States include: strategic missile forces land-based, strategic aviation (SA), strike force sea based.

Strategic missile forces land-based have novouredeni more 1 thousand. launchers (PU) ICBMs, able to carry one more start 2 thousand. nuclear weapons.

In strategic impact forces of sea-based имеется40 nuclear missile submarines, armed with missiles "Trident-1" (P-4), "Poseidon" (P-3) and "Polaris A-3".

The main strategic sea-based nuclear submarines in the coming years will system "Trident-1 and Trident-2" (D-5).

Rocket "Trident-1" has a range of 7400 km. Equipped with MIRV warheads 8 divided warheads on 100 CT each.

Planned production of missiles "Trident-2" with a range of 11 000 km. The missile is equipped with MIRV warheads with 14 warheads on 150 CT each.

In strategic aviation of the USAthe main carriers of nuclear weapons are the bombers b-52 G, H, FB-11I, B-1B.

B-52 heavy strategic bomber, the basis of strategic aviation. Flight range with maximum combat load 13 700 km. Capable of carrying 20 cruise missiles (CU) "SREM", each with a payload capacity of 200 CT.

Medium strategic bomber FB-111 after modernization will be able to carry up to 12 nuclear weapons, range of flight without refueling in the air 9260 km.

The newest and most powerful carrier of nuclear weapons in US strategic aviation is the aircraft b-1B. This is a supersonic Intercontinental bomber with variable sweep wing. Flight range with maximum combat load 34 000 kg 9800 km. Each such aircraft can carry 30 cruise missiles ALCM-B or 10-12 nuclear bombs with the explosive equivalent 8-10 MT.

A cruise missile is an unmanned aerial vehicle, equipped with a continuously operating in-flight jet engine use and unlike ballistic missiles, aerodynamic lift. Cruise missiles can fly high subsonic speed at low altitudes, delivering nuclear charges to targets with great accuracy, that allows you to apply them to the strategic objectives.

Cruise missiles are of three types: air, land and sea-based.

Cruise missile ALCM-B - airborne. The missile range 2500 km. The missile equipped with a nuclear warhead capacity 200 CT. Small size (5,94×3,65 m) and ultra-low altitude (30...60 m) hinder its detection and destruction.

The guidance system of cruise missiles "TERS" based on a comparison of the observed surface of the earth with the available reference shot locally

terrain and course correction. Circular probable deviation does not exceed 180 m, In the USA started manufacturing a new strategic bomber b-2 "Stealth". It's a plane "invisible" from subsonic, the range of about 12000 km and weapons load 16 t.

Theme№2: Chemical weapons

1 .Toxic substances and their classification

2.Classification of toxic substances through the tactical appointment and

physiological properties

3.Toxicological characteristics of toxic substances

4.Chemical agents

5.Means and methods of use of chemical weapons

6.Characteristics of zones of chemical contamination and chemical foci lesions
