
General characteristics of German romanticism

General characteristics of German romanticism

Theoretical concept of romantic art was formed in the circle of German aesthetes and writers, who were also the authors of the first in Germany romantic works.

Romanticism in Germany was 3 stages of development:

1 stage - early (Nesci) - W 1795 to 1805 gg. During this period he developed the aesthetic theory of German romanticism and the works they create f. Schlegel and NOVALIS. The founders of the Sienese school of romanticism were to take Shlegel - Friedrich and August William. their home is on the verge 18-19 St. became the center of young undiscovered talent. Among the Jesuit romantics included: the poet and novelist NOVALIS, playwright Ludwig Tick, the philosopher Fichte. 

German romanticism has endowed his hero creative talent: the poet, musician, the artist the power of his imagination transformed the world, which only remotely resembled reality. Myth, the tale, legend, the translation was the basis of art of Siena romantics. They idealized the distant past (The middle ages), which tried to correlate with modern social development. 

Aesthetic system of Siena romantics were characterized by trying to move away from the real concrete historical reality and an appeal to man's inner world. 

It is NEC romance first made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of the novel and of its sub’objectively-romantic positions provided for its rapid flowering in the literature of the XIX century.

2 stage - Heidelberg - W 1806 to 1815 gg. The heart of the romantic movement in this period was the University in g. Heidelberg, where he studied, and then put K. Brentano and L. von Arnim A., which has played a leading role in the romantic movement on the second stage. Heidelbergs romance has devoted himself to the study and collecting German folklore. In their work intensified the sense of tragedy of life., what was the historical impact and embodied in fiction, hostile personality.

In a circle heidelbergsa romantics were well known collectors of German fairy tales the brothers Grimm. At different stages of creativity to them was close to E. T. A. Hoffmann. 

3 stage - late romanticism - W 1815 to 1848 g. The heart of the romantic movement went to the capital of Prussia - Berlin. Berlin stand’is associated the most productive period in the works of E. T. A. Hoffmann, here came the first poetic book by Heinrich Heine. However, in the future, because of the wide spread of romanticism throughout Germany and abroad Berlin is losing its leading role in the romantic movement, since there are a number of local schools, and most importantly - manifest such vivid individuality, as Buchner and Heine, who become leaders in the literary process of the whole country.
