
Types of radiation

Decided to allocate:

  • 1) low-frequency radiation,
  • 2) radiation,
  • 3) infrared rays,
  • 4) visible light,
  • 5) ultraviolet rays,
  • 6) x-rays
  • 7) γ- radiation.

Thermal radiation radiation, when the loss of atoms the radiation energy of the light is compensated by the thermal motion of atoms ( molecules ) radiant body. ( the radiation of the Sun).

Electroluminescence - electric discharge in gases. Northern lights. Neon advertising.

Cathodoluminescence - the illumination of solid bodies , caused by bombardment by electrons. The screens of cathode ray tubes televisions.

Chemiluminescence - in the course of some chemical reactions, coming with the release of energy, part of this energy turns into light energy.

Photoluminescence - the illumination of bodies falling on them of radiation. (fluorescent lights, the fluorescein – dye)

Infrared radiation – (heat) electromagnetic waves which cause heat.

Ultraviolet radiation – electromagnetic waves with a wavelength of less, than that of violet light.

X-rays radiation, which occurs upon impact of fast electrons on a metallic anode.
