
Consciousness and self-consciousness (subconscious,unconscious,conscious)

Consciousness as inner world of a person has a complex structure, one traditionally explored philosophy and psychology. In the XX century. the structure of consciousness have been studied by philosophical school, as phenomenology, psychoanalysis, existentialism, structuralism, hermeneutics, cognitive psychology, etc.. Given the results of the latest achievements, it should be noted, the complexity of fixing the structural units of consciousness is the need to distinguish between functional and effective properties, in the present process of conscious human life are inseparable unity. For example, pam’Yat - this and the ability to actualize the past (the function of consciousness), and, at the same time, the presence in consciousness of certain images, concepts and experiences (structural units or forms of consciousness).

 So, it can be argued, the structure of consciousness is nothing short of, as the unity of its properties and derived (or effective) forms of existence.

 With this in mind, the structure of consciousness can be detected in these components: on levels of consciousness operates in unity consciousness, conscious and subconscious, for constituting their own consciousness consists of thinking, emotions and feelings and will.

Considering the structure of consciousness, we need to understand a certain arbitrariness and relativity of all its internal divisions: if consciousness involves Deacy, it initially (and fundamentally) rises in the characteristics of the integral phenomenon. It follows, that in human consciousness there is no clear and unambiguous boundaries between thinking and the will. So we are able to rejoice in intellectual delights, insight to open up new horizons for thinking; will, for example, it is possible to consider consciousness in its current direction, and the will is impossible without the conscious human self-control. Using it in modern philosophy, sometimes several unexpected features of consciousness: consciousness is the greater consciousness.

This structure of consciousness of identity, that consciousness is not identical with the psyche. The concept “the human psyche” wider than the concept of consciousness. The human mind absorbs as a conscious, and unconscious and subconscious. That is a significant part of human reactions, action, etc. happens on instinctive, or automatic level, not a subject of awareness, not illuminated by the rays of the mind. Conscious and unconscious are in constant interaction. Mental processes become the object of conscious human evolution, she manages and directs. In turn, a significant amount of deliberate human action as the result of multiple repetition becomes automatic, habits, that does not require the intervention of consciousness. Such action provides the unconscious or subconscious psychic functioning.

The highest level of consciousness is self-consciousness. Consciousness is the ability of a person to do’the object of the consideration of one's own mind. At the level of consciousness of the people (on the basis of ideal standards) performs self-esteem and self-control, analyses its knowledge, thoughts, ideals, motives, deeds, etc. The identity is mandatory’the relationship of consciousness; without it, man could not understand myself, to define their place in the world and improve. In other words, identity - it is an activity of the human soul, its focus on your inner self, dialogue “I” with yourself. The basis of self-consciousness is reflection - specific way of thinking, it can be called “double vision”, that is, the understanding of the understanding of the, thinking the thinking, the perception of their internal States, knowledge, views, values and, in accordance, the constructive activity of consciousness.

Based on this scheme and resorting to a significant simplification, the whole holistic world of the human spirit can be represented in the form of three large spheres: thinking, emotions and feelings, freedom. The core of consciousness is thinking - the operation of the subject content, which consciousness has in knowledge. Subject content of consciousness means, what we always see in things much more, than: it, that give us a sense. For example, the sculptor sees in the future tree sculpture, Carver - future product, although they are given only sensually tree.

All the components of human consciousness saturated subject. In SV ‘, when we look at the picture, we feel emotions are not about colors or color spots, and about those stories from the life, what they can see in the image. The presentation of subject content of reality in the consciousness of man has the knowledge, for it is in the knowledge of reality appears to the person as a set of existential units. As a consequence it becomes clear, the interaction of human consciousness with reality can be expressed as: consciousness - knowledge - the reality.

And)Without knowledge there is no consciousness, for it is in knowledge is the perfect status of its existence. In a sense, consciousness and knowledge are the same thing, however, the concept of consciousness is somewhat broader, because it includes not only reflection of reality (knowledge, “maintenance”), but reflection on the results of the first reflection, that is, certain actions with knowledge of, some of their use. The specific thought is to operate with a specific content of consciousness, that is, thinking is knowledge in action; the leading form of thinking arise General concepts. Simplest concepts (for example “the house”) capture essential properties of a certain class of things.

B)The scope of human emotions - it is the process of experiencing life significance of events and situations, the internal state, that reveals the person's attitude to external events. So, positive emotions (joy, fun), as a result, the useful or pleasant effects, to reach them, or saving, and negative (hatred, horror) - stimulate the activity to escape from the corresponding influences, or the weakening of their actions. The highest levels of emotions are spiritual senses (for example, the feeling of love), which are formed due to the realization of human connections with significant social and existential values. Feelings are characterized by subject content, constancy, significant independence from the existing situation. Emotional exercises significant influence on all manifestations of human consciousness, performs the function of Foundation activities.

In)Another important part of spiritual world of man is the will. It manifests itself in a person's ability to mobilize and focus all the spiritual and physical strength in carrying out the purpose, which has no direct biological significance (for in the latter case can trigger the instincts). Sign volemitol is the ability to suppress immediate impulses of life, although the volitional acts can be stimulated not only by the mind, knowledge, and emotions, value aims. In any case, the human will stand’related to human objectivity, the meaning of which is accessible only to the consciousness.

G)Existing features of consciousness are manifested in its functions, the unity which in the end provides a person a special way of being. In abbreviated, however, the focused embodiment, there are three main functions of consciousness: cognitive, consciousness and creative. Indeed, they are manifested all the basic features of consciousness. They appear more so: informative,cognitive, creative, estimated, goal setting, forecasting, organizational and strong-willed,control and regulatory, socio-adaptive . their content is actually already covered in a previous consideration of problems of consciousness and problems of human existence. In the higher functions of consciousness include functions sensotouch, the development of values and beliefs, samalikova; their contents we have also reviewed.

The main functions of consciousness:

• informative: providing people with information about the status and processes of reality

• cognitive: knowledge in the form of subject characteristics actually

• creative: the transformation of knowledge and information by thinking, intuition, imagine, fantasy

• estimated: the determination on the basis of ideal standards, standards, rules, the degree of significance of certain phenomena

• goal setting: the formation of the image-the result of the activity

• encommerce: the formation of life meanings through the juxtaposition of reality with the ideals, goals, standards

• organizational and strong-willed: the concentration of spiritual and physical powers towards achieving the goal

• control and regulatory: conscious observation of human actions and their correction

• samalikova: a conscious effort to organize human life in accordance with the highest spiritual values

Human consciousness - this is a unique phenomenon of reality. Being an internal factor of human life, in its content and it goes far beyond the vital needs. Thanks to the mind of man constructs his knowledge in the whole universe, what is the inner star system’relations of subordination and. Consciousness Wops ‘linked to producing a comprehensive, reference, universal reference systems and object orientations, by which man creates concepts, principles, ideas, that is, such forms of knowledge and thinking, I have ustaleniu and necessary. The status of being the consciousness is the perfect (in contrast to physical, sensuous-material). This means, it forms completed, the ultimate reference and substantive features of reality, acquiring the ability to measure and evaluate any. On the other hand, this means, that consciousness does not have spatial-temporal dimensions. The power and uniqueness of consciousness is vividly found in its complex structure and diversity of its vital functions.
