
The essence of freedom of conscience, its formation and development

Extremely important in the context of theological reflection on the history of the formation, Genesis, institutionalization of religion in Ukraine, its functional role and place in the Ukrainian society, the nature and content of relations debianacerone, the religious situation the problem of freedom of conscience. The relevance of these issues both in theoretical, and in practical aspects is based on the fact, that freedom of conscience is conceptually quite rightly regarded as one of the most valuable freedoms, that is, it is recognized as a fundamental universal value, as an important element in the life of the individual and society.

Freedom of consciencesocial phenomenon, what is inseparably linked’in connection with meaning, the ideological coordinates of human existence. International highlights religious thought freedom of conscience among rights and freedoms of the individual as the Central, strizhneva principle, which are based not only the rights, public safety, the dignity of man, but the respect for her ideological orientations, beliefs.


As the concept of "freedom of conscience" reflects conditions, in free self-determination of personality in ideological sphere of life, her spiritual formation, development, self-actualization. In its content the concept "freedom of conscience" multidimensional. Its essential load is often determined depending on the substantive field of research: philosophy, ethics (filosofskoye), political science, right (ponticorvo), religious studies, theology (relgion, theological).

Philosophical aspect of freedom of conscience. In the most General (philosophical) the interpretation of freedom of conscience manifests itself as the inner ability of a person to assess, to make sense of the various worldview paradigms, freely, without any external power of compulsion, only according to the dictates of their own conscience, to define themselves with regard to them and act, to do things, creative self-actualization in the coordinate system of its ideological choice.

In the philosophical interpretation of freedom of conscience appears as a specifically selective and coordinated activity of consciousness, of conscience and freedom of the individual, focused on self-determination in spiritual reality relative gittel foundations of your being.

Spiritual, in particular worldview, personal identity complete only then, when it is in its inner nature not caused by external driving forces.

In a philosophical sense, freedom of conscience manifests itself as an attribute of personality, after the recognition of freedom of conscience is the recognition of the value of personality, her spiritual sovereignty, its accountability in the context of self-determination only to their conscience, but for the believer and God, SV’which is for her the meaning and purpose of life.

Legal aspects of freedom of conscience. Is determined by a set of legal rules, which regulate social relations in the process of realization of freedom of conscience. Freedom of conscience may be about’the object of these rules only in the process of self-realization, that is, in his public, public expression there, where "force field" of action of freedom of conscience one of the "I" intersects with "force-field" operation of the freedom of conscience of another "I".

Note, that the state, through the law only sets the boundaries, opportunities, warranty external manifestations of freedom of conscience. However, the right can not control the process of ideological choice. Say, for religious self-identity, freedom of conscience as a right is formally external. The conscience of every man is ontologically free, is the state doesn't give, not "gives" the right to freedom of conscience, it merely outlines the legal space, in which, for example, the individual believer had freedom of self-realization according to his conscience. In other words, mental activity, one person's opinion, the sphere of conscience, which do not manifest themselves in certain the action, actions, behavior, are not subject to the law and is not regulated by them.

Every person has to determine the form, ways, the path of cognition of truth, the essence of transcendental, your Union with God. Audina has the birthright to be free, sovereign and independent in the decision and defend their ideas, beliefs, judgments, his view of the world, the meaning and purpose of human life. This is a matter of his conscience. Sphere of conscience is the private sphere of the person. The state should not intervene in this very delicate and sensitive area of human existence.

For a clearer understanding of the content of freedom of conscience, its structure, forms of practical manifestation in the religious and legal aspects it is important to more clearly define about the nature of some concepts.

Relgion understanding of freedom of conscience provides the opportunity to realize its essence in the subject field of religious self-determination and self-realization. The need for religion, religious values, the guidelines leads to the necessity of spiritual freedom, and therefore, and in the law on its implementation. The religious content of freedom of conscience, namely, freedom of religious conscience, revealed through the concept of: "freedom of religion", "freedom of religion", "freedom in religion", "freedom of the Church".

Often lawyers, religious scholars, in particular theologically oriented, consider the concept of "freedom of conscience" as synonymous with "freedom of religion". These concepts are interrelated’related, but not identical.

Freedom of religion is one of the most important elements of the structure of freedom of conscience. As a religious category in the subject field of your existence is the person's attitude towards religion — "freedom of conscience" reveals its contents through the notion of "freedom of religion". The latter contains the main aspects of the freedom of conscience: self-determination of individuals in relation to religious values, benchmarks, as well as a corresponding outward religious expression based on them.

Freedom of religion in this context reveals itself in two aspects: as freedom of choice of religion and freedom of religious worship. Considering these concepts in the combination of their inner and outer aspects of existence, note, what the first reveals its essence through the concept of "freedom of religion", and the other pertaining to socio-legal features of the functioning of religious organizations and is characterized by’ the concept of "freedom of the Church".

Religious freedom — the concept, in religiovedcheskih and legal literature is more common, than the concept of "freedom of religion", an important component of the structure last, what characterizes the capabilities of the individual freely, without external compulsion to confess in an acceptable for it the way any religion is the subject of their self-determination.

The freedom of the Church — the concept, what characterizes socolinicova the possibility of functioning of religious organizations (Church, religious associations, communities of believers). If freedom of religion in its essence is a kind of individual freedom, the concept of "freedom of the Church" is a form of public freedom.
