
Leading philosophical sources and philosophical ideas of Kievan Rus

Leading philosophical sources and philosophical ideas of Kievan Rus

Philosophy as a special area of intellectual activity’vilasa on the territory of Ukraine by the Kievan Rus, and listed here she was with Christianity from Byzantium - Orthodox Greek state, formed on the Balkan Peninsula after the collapse of the Roman Empire (Ancient Greece was part of the Roman Empire with 146 g. to G. X. called “the province of Achaia”). At the time of the baptism of Rus ' Christian thought in Byzantium acquired already developed,detailed and refined character. And since Byzantium was the direct heir of Ancient Greece, in its philosophical use all the time was the classical works of ancient Greek philosophers. Together with Christianity the book and the wisdom they became element of the spiritual culture of Kievan Rus.

Of course, considering the spiritual culture of Kievan Rus, we need to take into account the tradition of previous pagan culture. Ancient historical sources, especially Greek, report, that our ancestors were quite humane, filled with sincere feelings to different people and the worship of natural forces and of wealth. Elements of paganism for a long time coexisted in the Ukrainian culture with chrisgendo; it can be argued, to some extent this situation persists today.


            You can not have doubts before, what customs, traditions and traits of the ancient Slavs’Jan, formed on the basis of pagan worship for thousands of years, reflected at certain interpretations and forms of assimilation of Christianity and Christian philosophy. The Influence Of Byzantium, in combination with a long tradition.


        from the very beginning of Christian wisdom originated in Kievan Rus in combination with Greek philosophy; in particular, there were known to Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Seneca;

        philosophy and wisdom were perceived primarily as the first instruction for individual meditation, self-improvement and the search for Holiness, the Supreme truth; this perception of philosophy contributed to the emergence of The particular type, typical for the old Russian culture - “philosophizing in Christ”: the highest spiritual values are brought the net’capacious life, so, what life was supposed to demonstrate and confirm, and they had to give the first semantic basis of life;

        in the foreground of ancient philosophy were not issues in the abstract-theoretical sistematina; any theoretical construct should serve the creation of life, that's why all this philosophy was prone to moralizing and attitudes.

Turning to the origins of philosophical thought of Kyiv Rus, we need to remember the very first ancient Russian annals - “The tale of bygone years”: it contained not only historical information, but, describing the customs and worldview of the human presentation. It is interesting to note that, this chronicle begins with the invocation to the history of the world in General (his creations, etc.); this is testified, what is the history of the Rus was considered in the context of total world (and, even, - world!) history. In this chronicle perepevat the main story the meaning of the Bible, conducted comparing the beliefs of different countries and peoples. It also provides a very interesting and distinctive message about, how was the choice of the public faith by Prince Vladimir. 

