
The parameters of the vibrational motion.

There are typical quantitative traits oscillatory motion, which allow to distinguish it from other vibrations and, under certain circumstances, retain their numeric values. They are called parameters oscillatory motion.

The first symptom of oscillatory motion is its the frequency. The Value Of T, characterizing the frequency of the oscillatory motion, called the period of oscillation. The period of oscillation measured by the time, spent one full oscillation, and expressed in seconds.

The other characteristic feature of the oscillation is its frequency (speed repeatability), denoted ν (Greek. Nude). The value of ν, characterizing the rate of recurrence of oscillatory motion, is called the oscillation frequency. The oscillation frequency of a body is measured by the number of complete oscillations per unit time:

ν = 1/T. (24.1)

Derive the unit of frequency:

ν = 1/1 C = 1 with-1 = 1 Hz.

The unit of frequency is Hertz taking (Hz). Hertz call this vibrational frequency of the body, in which it makes one complete oscillation in one second.

The third characteristic feature of oscillatory motion is its the amplitude of the. The amplitude a is the maximum deflection of a vibrating point from its position of stable equilibrium. In figure. 24.2 the amplitude fluctuations of point O is equal to S.

So, the oscillatory motion of a point there three parameters: the period T, the frequency V and the amplitude And. Since the values of T and ν are connected by formula (24.1), to describe oscillatory motion, you can use any of them (T or ν) and amplitude And.

Oscillation point, that occur with a constant amplitude, call continuous, and oscillations with gradually decreasing amplitude damped. Remember, that damped oscillations are free oscillations. It should be borne in mind, that undamped oscillations can be not only their own. Forced oscillations also occur with a constant amplitude. Since the resistance of the medium causes the transformation of mechanical energy into internal, the energy of the oscillating point with each oscillation must be supplemented by works periodically changing external force. An example of such oscillations are undamped oscillations of the pendulum in clocks, where the energy of the pendulum is replenished by the energy of compressed spring. Note, the period of forced oscillations always coincide with the period of change of the driving force.

The energy of vibrational motion is determined by its dimensions and mass of the oscillating body. In the theory of oscillations is proved, the excess energy of the oscillating material point is proportional to its mass, the square of the amplitude and to the square of the oscillation frequency.
