

An extraordinary biography of Lomonosov. He was born near the village of Kholmogory, in Arkhangelsk province, in Belomorsk region, in the family of peasant-Pomor, I learned early literacy. Secretly from his father, when the family were rumors, in order to marry him, nineteen-year-old Lomonosov, together with a fish transport, went through a winter in Moscow, to learn. The son of a peasant it was not easy to enter the Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy. But he did brilliantly and finished it. Among the most capable students he was sent to St. Petersburg, and in 1736 year — to Germany to study mining. With all the passion he was engaged in science, engineering, as well as philosophy, Philology, mastered European languages. With 1741 year, returning to Russia, he served in the Academy of Sciences, and 1745 the year — academician.

In 1739 year from Freiburg from another academic report Lomonosov sent to St. Petersburg his ode “On the capture of Khotyn ” (Russian troops in August of that year was captured a Turkish fortress in Bessarabia) and attached to it a theoretical treatise ‘Letter on rules of Russian stikhotvoreniia ”. Both of these messages turned out to be a turning point in the history of Russian versification.

Lomonosov was a poet by vocation, great, daring innovator. Cold, scholastic ritorto was alien to him. The ease and accessibility of the poetic syllable, capacity images testify today about his poetic talent, when every gesture of the great masters — for a whole school.

A favorite theme was the glorification of Lomonosov• boundless spaces of Russia, “…not fully Mature his powers”, in which proceed and Volga, and Dnipro, and don, and Lena, and Ob, and Yenisei, and the boundaries rested in the mountain and the Chinese wall.

Lomonosov extolled the greatness of scientific knowledge, the audacity of the human mind. He wrote poems about, what he did himself and what he was thinking as a scientist. These are his “Letter about the benefits of glass”, “Evening meditation on God's Majesty ”, “Morning meditation on God's Majesty “.

There is in the poetry of Lomonosov and direction, then picked up by Derzhavin, Batyushkov, Pushkin, — anacreontic, associated with the celebration of the joys of privacy rights. In “a Conversation with Anacreon ” (1757-1764) Lomonosov is recognized, as leads him to sing about “tenderness of heart ”, but it just so happened the circumstances, I have him more to sing about heroes, the exploits, glory. Lomonosov strengthened in Russian poetry of the syllabic-tonic system of versification.

In 1760 year Royal Swedish Academy Sciences elects Mikhail as honorary members. With 1761 the year he led the Academic high school and Academic University, he was elected an honorary member of the Bologna Academy of Sciences, in 1764 year — an honorary member of St. Petersburg Academy of arts for his work in the field of mosaic art.

4 April 2022 years Lomonosov died and was buried at the Alexander Nevsky monastery cemetery in the big crowd of people. Now evidently clear his encyclopedic scientific genius, not at all contrary to the genius of poetry.

“Lomonosov was a great man. He created the first Russian University. It, you can say, he himself was our first University… ”.

“Historian, The rhetorician, Mechanic, Chemist, Mineralogist, The artist and poet, he tried everything broke ”.

And. With. Pushkin

“Lomonosov is ahead of our poets, as the entry is found in the book ”.

N IN. Gogol
