
The literary struggle of the seventeenth century

The literary struggle of the seventeenth century

In the beginning The seventeenth century in Europe formed state with an absolute monarchy (Spain, France and others.), there’s new country with the predominant role of the middle class (Holland), some countries (Italy, Germany, Poland) was in a state of economic decline.

Rome ceased to be the religious center Europe. From him, refusing to pay taxes, departed England, Scandinavian countries, The Netherlands, part of the German principalities, Geneva. Europe was divided on religious grounds: Lutheranism in Germany and Scandinavia, Calvinism — in Holland, Anglican Church — in England, etc. Rome trying to regain its former power, however, this only increases tensions in Europe, leading to religious and military conflicts.

Developed European countries (England, France, Spain, Holland, Sweden) captured large colonial possessions in the New World and North Afritzand.

Between parts of Europe SV’obligations deepened. Any military or revolutionary conflict was European and spoke in the colonial countries on other continents. It was during the Thirty years war (1618— 1648), which drew into its orbit a large number of countries and changed the map of Europe. And bourgeois revolution in the Northern Netherlands, and finally England to change the balance of power in the economy and politics not only European countries.

In Europe of the XVII century co-existed in parallel structures (sometimes even within the same state) — the feudal and bourgeois. The nobility was forced to reckon with the growing bourgeoisie as a social condition, gaining strength even in the countries with absolute monarchy.


In these conditions there is a formation of Outlook of the person of this era.

People have lost faith in themselves: she saw only a small part of a big society, to resist the laws which she was powerless. The feeling of his personal involvement in those events, what happened. It raises awareness of specific facets of human capabilities, and there’there were doubts about the ability of intelligence to improve the existing world order and make human life worthy of.

Man immersed in his inner world, looking for it support in. Individualism is a distinctive sign of the times. Someone had high hopes for the monarchy, seeing it as protection from harm. Some (pretty big) looking for salvation in the faith, reaching sometimes to the extreme of fanaticism. And some found solace in the earth, sensual pleasures.

Floundering between earth and heaven became so painful, that man came to understand his own imperfections, depravity. She still naively believed, what bodily and spiritual beauty can be combined in one selected, perfect face. Considered also, the beauty and enjoyment of earthly life is temporary and were only a weak reflection of the longed-for heavenly bliss. The person was of high moral standards and capable of self-preservation.

Along with priority, stand’ knitted with solving social problems, during the XVII—XVIII centuries was solved more, not less a complicated question: the subordination of the natural forces of the mind.

French philosopher of the XVII century Rene Descartes formulated the practical meaning of science. English philosopher Francis Bacon claimed, the more people will know, the more it will be to conquer the nature. 

Philosophical luminaries of the seventeenth centuryDescartes, Bacon, Galileo — contributed to the active development of natural Sciences. 

Thus, XVII century — age of scientific mastery of nature, its subordination to the power of man; century public adjustment, absolutism. 

But without the scientific thought of the seventeenth century could not be and speeches about the victorious deployment of the liberation education movement XVIII century in accordance. 

Not remained aloof and art. In the history of literature of the Western European Nations of the seventeenth century marked by great achievements. 

It should be noted, that the historical destiny of the peoples of Western, Central and southern Europe in the XVII century. in different ways. The strengthening of world trade routes has made a negative impact on the domestic economy of Italy. Once the richest country, the centre of European and world culture in XIV, XV and partly 

XVI centuries, Italy, which has undergone the destructive campaigns of the interventionists, obnimala, its culture podupali, and in the XVII century Italian literature did not create anything outstanding, that could attract the attention of neighboring peoples.

Almost the same transformation undergone, and Germany, on economic, political and cultural life which negatively affected The thirty years ' war. Germany also gave the world in the field of literature, at least some of the outstanding achievements in

XVII century.

For a short period of time managed to get ahead in Spain. Capturing large overseas colonies, depleting the U.S. gold reserves, she quickly became rich and turned into the XVI century on one of the most powerful countries. But it didn't last long. The flow of gold from America ended, and during that time the domestic life in the country, her own production managed to go into decline. Besides, at the end of the XVI century off the coast of England defeated the entire Spanish fleet, the so-called “Invincible Armada”. 

After the death of M. Cervantes (1616) Spanish prose was not able to take its rightful place on the world cultural arena. However, the forces of the Renaissance have not yet exhausted the Spanish dramatists of the first half of the XVII century: still continued to perform Lope de VEGA, kept their power, talent, Pedro Calderon. 

In the literary life of Western Europe it was the age of France. Having survived the religious wars of the second half of the XVI century, Ukraine has achieved in the seventeenth century political stabilization. It was the absolute monarchy, what has contributed to national’unity. Began to develop widely culture. Together with ei’pits Descartes on the world stage goes French philosophy. P. Cornel, W. Racine gave the best examples of a classic tragedy. Moliere created the Comedy, after Shakespeare and Lope de VEGA before the advent of the comedies of Beaumarchais could not find the equal in the drama of Western Europe.

Lafontaine gave a classic example of fables. Significant progress has been made French prose, in particular aphoristic, works by Pascal. La Rochefoucauld, Labruyere, memoir, psychological novel, etc. 

Thus, literature of Western Europe of the XVII century reflected the victories and defeats of human thought, strictly for historical reasons. She immortalized the joys and suffering, thoughts and aspirations of the peoples. 

The concept “literature of the seventeenth century” meant not the calendar period, and cultural-historical epoch with its inherent features, different from the previous era — the Renaissance and the subsequent period of the Enlightenment.

In the literature of the seventeenth century, clearly highlight three art direction: 

• Renaissance realism, (the representative of Lope de VEGA); 

• Baroque (P. Calderon); 

• Classicism (P. Cornel, W. Racine, W. B. Moliere). 

At the forefront of the art and literature of the XVII century moved the image internal contradictions of a man, understanding dissociation SV’the relation between the individual and society, life between ideals and reality. 
