
Labor category. The subjective world of work

Sociology of work, like any other science, has its conceptual apparatus. Such basic categories of the sociology of work is the nature of work, the content and conditions, and attitude to work, labor adaptation, socio-psychological climate, etc.

Socio-economic differences in labour are the economic basis for differentiating employees on the basis of the level of providing material and social benefits, wage, the level of education and culture, the nature of activities, etc. Differential influence of heterogeneity of labour can be traced to two main areas: through the content of work, which manifests its production and technical side, and through the nature of work, which manifests its socio-economic.

The content of work — socio-economic category, reflecting the distribution of functions (observation, registration and control, management, Executive and other) in the workplace and is determined by the set of performed production operations. The combination of those or other functions with the time for their fulfillment characterizes the content of specific types of labor. With regard to the content of the work identify the following kinds: labor mental and physical, simple and complex, organizational and Executive, creative and reproductive.

The content of work is one of the key factors, which define the direction of development of labor skills of the person, her attitude to work and job satisfaction. These are all signs of nature of work.

 Nature of work — category, which characterizes a socio-economic nature of the labor process, the social form of its organization, the ways in which people interact at work.

The nature of the work allows you to present stars’the relationship between individual and social labour, ways of interaction of the workers with the means of labour, the inclusion of individual work in public, the relationship’the relationship between different types of labour, the type of relationship of participants of labor process.

This category reflects the degree of development of industrial relations, a way of connecting workers with the means of labour. The indicators of nature of work include the form of ownership, the ratio of workers to the means of production, social differences.

Conditions of work — a combination of factors, that affect performance, healthy’of worker I.

This category covers socio-economic conditions (working hours and working year, payment and stimulation of labour, qualification, special and General training of workers); sanitary (temperature, fumes, dust, air pollution, lighting, noise); organizational (characterize the internal labour, materials, raw materials and tools); and social conditions (providing employees with welfare, table, medical and health resort services).

Implemented through the nature of work star’the relationship of the worker and of society is expressed through its essential trait — attitude to work.

Attitude to work — category, that reflects the fundamentals of the system of values of personality, complex motives, the stand’bind the identity with the activity and society. This category expresses SV’the relationship between the employee and the society, employee and labor relative to the production and distribution of material and spiritual goods.

It combined several types of relationships: the perception of labour as one of the most important life values, the attitude to the profession, attitude to work in specific production conditions. Attitude to work can be positive, negative and neutral.

Attitude to work depends on a complex system of motives of labour activity, stand’s associated with the various indicators. In General, the attitude towards work can occur in about’chiuni, and sub’chiuni forms. It’exclusion criteria include the degree of initiative, responsibility and integrity in the work, discipline. In the end, they are reflected in the quantity and quality of products, what is produced. To sub’exceptions include: salary level, relationships in the team, the content and conditions of work. Depending on these indicators formed the employee satisfaction or dissatisfaction with work.

Job satisfaction — emotionally-evaluative attitude of the employee, the labour team for the work performed and conditions, in which it is. The relationship’communication satisfaction with the work performance level, the quality of work and labour discipline most often mediated by the nature and content of work, work experience of employees in one company, the prestige of this type of work.

Labour are realizing their goals and objectives, the most important of which is the output, the production of wealth, services. Accordingly, in the team to develop their social values and norms, requirements for level of education, qualifications, individual characteristics of the employee. On the other hand, people, which started to work, has own goals in life, needs, values, standards of conduct. According to them the employee makes counter-claims about the nature, the organization, conditions, wage, opportunities for professional growth. In the course of employment and the interaction of worker and personnel, their adaptations to each other (adaptation).

Labor adaptation is a social process of assimilation by the person of a new work situation, which is characterized by active interaction of personality and work environment.

The adaptation function of the employee are to contribute to the stability of the team, strengthen its cohesion; creating the conditions for self-expression and self-realization, development of its creative, social tendencies; the provision of conditions for socialization of the youth.

The main types of adaptation of workers is a professional, socio-psychological, technological, interpersonal, social.

Professional adaptation is expressed in the acquirement of professional skills, the formation of professionally necessary qualities, the development of positive employee relations to the profession.

Technological adaptation is, when the occurrence of the personality in the labor collective, it is necessary to study the production technology, the features and capabilities of the equipment, which is used in the manufacture of products or other technological processes, stand’work-related.

Interpersonal adaptation — one of the most difficult, because it requires special qualities from personal, such as high communication skills, friendly to the environment, respect for elders and more experienced staff, the need to listen to the opinions of buddies, the ability to set collective interests above personal.

Social adaptation involves the study of location in the workplace important’objects: dining room, health unit, rest rooms.

Socio-psychological adaptation is to familiarize the employee with the team members, the peculiarities of interpersonal relations, the assimilation of traditions and values, requirements each member of the team.

Indicators of socio-psychological adaptation is the establishment of positive relationships with colleagues, supervisor. This General attitude gradually shifted, acquires relative independence, begins to actively affect an individual's mood, the performance of individual employees, and the whole team, indicating the presence in it of a certain socio-psychological climate.

Socio-psychological climate is relatively stable and typical for this group, the overall emotional state, which is formed in the process of joint employment of staff through communication between people.

It is influenced by two groups of factors. The first category includes the macro-environmental factors: socio-economic formation, the conditions of human life, features of large social groups, depending on the age, social status, nationality. The second group consists of factors local (local) nature: production (the content and nature of, the level of organization, conditions of work); social (payment system, stimulation of labor, the organization of social life, information system); socio-psychological (characteristics of individual team members, the activity of the leader).

Studying socio-psychological climate, the indicators are divided into’s objective and the sub’s objective. It’exceptions belong to production data. They show, how much climate contributes to the implementation of the main tasks of the team. The group of the sub’exceptions indicators are job satisfaction and various factors in the working environment, the stability of the team, satisfaction with the relationships with management and colleagues, the level and frequency of conflict.

Forms of socio-psychological climate reflects the diversity of human relationships. It, first of all, harmony (the result of the coordinated interaction of people, participating in social labor process) and compatibility (the optimal combination of qualities of people, which provides the highest efficiency of their activities).

The level of conflict in the organization depends on the degree of mutual understanding among its members on issues of joint activities. Understanding’to unite the efforts of the team in one direction, contradictions difficult coordination, destabilize relations in the organization, the deterioration of the socio-psychological climate.

Peculiarities of interrelations manifest themselves in the forms of communication between members of labor organizations. The advantage of any one of the forms of communication of orders or requests, suggestions or questions, discussion or advice — characterizes the features of their interrelations and thus serves as an indicator of socio-psychological climate.

In life the relationship between people in the organization are of value to each member, because in interactions with other people, each member can give yourself-esteem. Through relationships people aware of its public nature, which engenders a sense of greater or lesser satisfaction an or environment. Sustainable relationships affect the mood of members of labor organizations, cause the improvement or deterioration of health of the person. Different moods, describing the mental state of people, evidence of the quality of socio-psychological climate in the team.

Disruption of normal socio-psychological climate of the team is called “climatic perturbation”. Under climatic perturbation realize significant deviations from existing in the collective socio-psychological standard relations between its members. Distinguish between external and internal causes “climatic perturbations”.

External causes, that generate “climatic perturbations”: disadvantages of socio-economic and domestic nature, factory defects, discussion of the day's news, outside the mood at SV’in connection with the payment of salaries and bonuses.

Internal causes: antipathy, mutual disrespect, dissatisfaction with each other, nespracovany, the weakening control of the team members in relation to each other, when reduced mutual exactingness, unpunished petty and serious offenses, the lack of the necessary business and personal qualities of the head, what is the cause of all kinds of shortcomings in the organization of activities of subordinates, and the inability to establish contacts with people, the negative effects of leadership style reinforce the conflict situation; personality traits of team members, that cause disharmony relations.

Staff is relatively stable’unity of people, which focuses on the solution’s'asana production tasks, has a common goal and are guided in their actions universally recognized norms of labor behavior.

The concept of the labour collective is used to refer to, with one hand, social Institute (for example, enterprise), with another, — o’unity of people, are in the labour force. The labour team is implementing a variety of functions. To them, in particular belong to: production and economic (the production of goods and services); educational (the formation of high liability to work); organizational management (skills, experience and interest in organizational work); social control; meet the needs of employees in production, and outside the manufacturing sector; creation of conditions for self-realization and personal development of employees.

Based on the type of activity and the characteristics of its final product, identify the following types of labor collective:

• production teams - groups of plants, factories, SV enterprises’communication, construction and other, that belong to the sphere of material production;

• groups of non-productive sphere service, providing a variety of services;

• research teams;

• groups of health care institutions’I and public education. Level’Union of the workers highlights the basic, production (secondary) and primary (contact) labor groups.

Primary labor collective is a collective of the enterprise as a whole. This company integrates all employees and is the highest level they’unity.

Secondary (intermediate) employees — intermediate’the unity of workers within workshops, departments, sites. The basis of this’of unity are features of technological process.

Primary labor collective - o’unity of people, together perform a common production task in the process of direct personal contacts (brigade, laboratory).

Each primary labor collective has a definite structure, where it is possible to allocate three basic elements: the leader or leadership group, the core and peripheral portion.

The leader is a member of the group, which is able to lead a group, show everyone an example, to organize the tasks and is recognized as such by most members of the team. The leader of the organization can be formal or informal. The formal leader can be in that case, when the head of the team has undisputed authority among his subordinates, and informal, when a leader has administrative authority, but are able to effectively influence other members of his team, encouraging them to act in a certain way. The leader is heavily dependent on team. Group, creating the image of a leader, model, requires a real leader, with one hand, matching her, and ability to Express the interests of the group. Only under this condition, the team members not only follow the leader, but I wish to follow him.

On relations with the group and the leader's authority significantly influences his personal style of behavior: whether it is authoritative, hard or democratic.

In the workplace leaders can be several. Around each of them formed its core.

The core group of the team members, who have been working in it, know each other, SV’associated for a long period of mutual sympathy and to some extent friendly relationship. Of course the core is 30-40% team members. It is this part of team is most fully embodies objectives, standards, values and models of the employment behavior of.

Each member of a team Zobov’is obliged to voluntarily comply with all the rules, requirements and values, developed by the team about his career. If one of the members of the personnel do not meet the established team norms and requirements, he becomes the first “disadvantaged”, and then “outcast”, and the team, using their collective sanctions, getting rid of such employees. So, evaluation of behavior of employees, impact on it to ensure compliance with established sachalinobiini values and norms is the basis of the content of social control.

The nature of social requirements of the primary labour collective to the behaviour of the individual depends on the degree of its cohesion. According to the data of sociological research, in teams, that have achieved a high degree of cohesion and organization, developed a friendly relationship, the level of these requirements is much higher, such communities differ constancy and endurance. The nature of group norms and focus of social control are clearly social in nature.

The mutual influence of collective and individual are closely connected’linked to emotions. In our time initiated the emotional mood of many labor collectives. Falling living standards, underemployment, fear of losing jobs cause irritation, generate confidence in their own abilities, fears of future changes, which greatly reduces the emotional potential of labour collectives. Negative emotional mood reduces productivity, causes conflicts.

Social labor conflict is a type of social conflict, the maximum level of development of the contradiction between the social sub’s economic and labour relations, is in the field of employment. It is based on any kind of struggle between individuals, the purpose of which is the achievement or preservation of the means of production, economic position, authorities or other valuables, with public recognition.

The interaction of the individual and the society largely depends on socio-demographic, social and psychological characteristics of its members. High degree of homogeneity of the team on grounds such as gender, age, education, the skill level and availability on this basis of common interests, needs, value orientations is a factor, what contributes to close SV’relations between employees. Sociological studies show, the homogeneity of a team promotes team unity not only in production, but in his leisure hours. Members of a heterogeneous team divided into informal groups, have different the groups interests, sometimes quite the opposite, and therefore in the production of relatively low productivity, because there is no unanimity in action, and in my leisure hours, such groups rarely have a rest together. In General, sociological research suggests, the higher relationships in the group, the better in the productivity and participation of its members in social work.
