
The ideal status of consciousness being. Consciousness and language.

The fact, that consciousness is not subject to direct sensory observation, she is not fixed with the help of instruments or indicators, finally it is determined as ideality. Ideality, as we already know it from historical and philosophical achievements, contrasted with real, clothing: property (and the word “real” comes from the word “case”) has the spatial-temporal characteristics, and perfect outside of time and space. It becomes clear, common understanding of the consciousness to a considerable extent depends on, as we potracheno perfect, as this ideal is manifested and expressed buttwil (ontological) the status of consciousness.

 If the ideality appears as the lack of real, then the mind is outside of reality and at best can be defined as a reflection of some real things in other. If the ideality is interpreted as a particular reality, then it requires some explanation of his. Finally, possible option, when an ideal is denoted as “the unity of being and nothingness”, as something intermediate between; material reality and its particular reproduction in the human psyche.

 The ideality of consciousness, as a rule, understand the two basic values:

• Play in the minds of not a visual image of things, and the totality of its essential features, functions, internal SV’ties

• Create an ideal subject designs using bring options of things or relations between: reference them to the maximum possible measurement

Consider these definitions is the perfect read more. If we consider the ideal transcoding characteristics of real things into nerve signals, it, that is the ideal, you may experience a kind of universal relationship’communication, that occurs in all natural processes, after all, for example, in minerals in altered forms recorded the characteristics of those processes, under which these minerals formed. The psyche of animals are also able to play certain things and phenomena through neural signals. Therefore, understanding the ideal as a special transformation of reality in the human psyche that characterizes human consciousness as a type of natural interactions and, in the end, - as a protective instinct. In this sense, as already mentioned, strange and not enlightened remain an important feature of human existence, a person's ability to assess the validity, beyond the limits of existing, to be at a certain distance from a direct relationship with her. During the consideration ideal in the second sense, it is important to understand, the power of the, the creative possibilities and benefits of human consciousness and et’associated with its ability to create something, what real, physical existence is not and cannot be. When we talk “a straight line “, under the concept of direct always understand “direct as such “, that is the ideal direct (not some line, what if there is a direct, and like or not), we can build in your mind. I, only having in mind such an ideal education, we can then assess the validity in certain qualities, that is, for example, in premise. Because all other direct, which really exist, can only be to some extent closer to the only true, that is the ideal, direct.

The ability to create in the field of intellectual contemplation of the perfect’objects and is essentially new, that can make, and are making a real consciousness in existence. Outside the mind there is not perfect, because the real, that is material, responsibilities ‘definitely consists of some particles, elements, themselves, and: and SV’obligations between: they, gonna be a great one from the other, and therefore will never be perfect. Perfect is the, than the consciousness is fundamentally different from real, than it goes beyond the real, since outside of space and time, as a final, completed. Therefore, in their idealism, the consciousness acquires the actual existential status, that is, it appears to be somehow original, so, what cannot be reduced to another. Since “more ideal from ideal ” does not exist, the ideal dimension being the final stand, unchanged. L means, that can really get your exact measurement in referring to the ideal, as a reliable and unchanging standard. Perfect in this sense and is the starting point for a constructive creative activity of consciousness; it appears the gap, the cessation of natural processes of life, beyond which there is no consciousness.

Hence it becomes clear and then, why human consciousness is able to capture reality in an essential and necessary characteristics, because we understand the necessary, what always happens without change, clearly and typically, and such features have only our intelligent design, which we build in the mind on the basis of reliable, clear standards and benchmarks.

 So, perfect in this sense - this unity is necessary and ” essential features of a certain class of things as opposed to insignificant or varying the characteristics of real its representatives.

For example, the concept “tree” indicates the set of such reference signs, which allow us to identify this phenomenon in its most Majlisi modifications, for example, responsibilities’askofu all trees roots, trunk, branches etc. unlike such variables properties, as evergreen, decorative, high Dr. This content gives you the perfect opportunity to mentally operate class things, separating it from other existing similar classes. For example, the concept “tree” not only specifies the essential features of a certain class of things, but also separates it from other similar classes or types, as, say, grass, lichen etc etc.

To build the world in the form needed can only the human mind, which operates on the basis of “the constructive principle”, that is not satisfied available, not identified with perception, and focused on intellectual creation, active assessment of the validity. Since Aristotle's times, there is a tradition of explanation of consciousness and thinking as the General operating. In fact, the total as there are similarities, SV’communication, what is being Played in an endless chain of transformation (the emergence and disappearance) individual objects: certain items pass each other and thus confirm, that they have something in common. However, the total is already able to capture the intelligence of animals, but to construct reality in its ideal subject definitions can only the human intellect.

Note, that the inner spiritual world is not separated from the world of things. He constantly strives to find its appropriate embodiment, to materialize. Unlike animals, people do not adapt physically to changes in the environment, and strives for its activity to modify an existing.

The form of existence of thought, that combines the capabilities of things and desired for the person changes, there is a purpose. The presence of a mental image of the end result of activity (goal), what is molded perfectly to start and determines its, acts as one of the essential characteristics of human way of life. Human activity is therefore defined as purposeful, clusterproven or clockedile. And process focused production of new things is a process obremenenija perfect thoughts in the natural material, when a person changes shape, the structure of natural speech, and provides new boundaries of being and a new way of functioning.

So, thanks, the content of human consciousness with the ideal form of existence passes into the material, the internal ability of the sensory-substantive things to bear in itself a human value, to be a subject of culture.

For cultural objects, created appropriate important is their functional purpose, that is the answer to the question “what”. Through this man, engaging in social life, needs to learn the meaning of things culture, to learn methods for their manufacture, the release of their material shell laid in their mission and Saint sat.

 Understanding the ideal value of cultural objects is called raspredeleny. In other words, raspredelenia is the transfer of internal, perfect, significant, semantic characteristics of things with the subject-about ‘objective forms of existence in the ideal or sub’s objective, that is, the intellectual-constructive on the basis of reference measurements of everything. Raspredelenia as the ability to act in accordance with predmetnyh in things perfect is obligatory ‘a mandatory condition for the socio-cultural existence of man. In this context, human activity is understood as an endless series of conscious and obremenenija raspredelenia.

Obremenenija of consciousness in things material culture is inadequate to her (consciousness) sensuous-objective in nature. As noted, real processes never have the perfect values, but because in the process obremenenija there is an insurmountable contradiction between the intentions of the person and the results of their implementation; awareness of this contradiction becomes one of the motives of a man's desire to perfect. The most adequate form obremenenija thought is language. It is appropriate to say, that language is not only one of the possible forms of consciousness obremenenija, but the way of organizing and expressing thoughts. In other words, consciousness and language are inextricably Wops’related. Indeed, the thought of a man always (even when it comes to unspoken considerations) tends to result in the appropriate language equivalent (although it is never possible to do permanently).



The language is direct and flexible way of manifestation of consciousness. It performs many functions, namely:

• denotes, name a subject, phenomenon or action, a dedicated person from the totality of everything;

• is a means of thinking, means of expression of subject content knowledge;

• o’ctivo perfect in its mode of existence of consciousness;

• is a means of communication between people, exchange of experience, experiences, feelings;

• saves and sends information for future generations, thus

• contributing to the socio-historical development;

• is a means of controlling human behavior, and collective action.

At the same time we must not fall into identification with thoughts, consciousness and language; clear, that language not only conveys substantive content of consciousness, and influences the consciousness and its content, as well, as, for example, the material affects the intention of the sculptor, the quality of paints - on the intention of the painter etc.

In modern science there is a hypothesis E. Of Sapir and B. Whorf concerning language; she claims, that language structure influences the structure of our perception of the world. But it is therefore a hypothesis, that has as much evidence, how many denials. But our analysis allows us to understand, why this is so: so, what substantive content of consciousness and human thought can never fully fit into any of the material and physical form.

The recognition of the ideal essence of consciousness requires separation of various attempts to simplify or material processes. These include the identification of consciousness with the physiological processes, what is happening in the brain.

From the point of view of some thinkers of the last century (L. Buchner, I. Moleschott, To. Vogt), and also the modern representatives of “radical epistemology” (In. The name of Maturana, E. Glasersfeld), the opinion of a person occurs or a product of neuro-physiological activity of the brain (the latter produces consciousness, as liver bile), the output or implementation of the desire the human body to life stability. Of course, that idea loses some of their properties, as the need, universality, abstractness and ideality. This concept can be attributed to the attempt to reduce human thought to the characteristics of electromagnetic waves, that radiates the brain (30-ies of XX century.). But measurements of electromagnetic waves, accompany the active work of thoughts, not testify, that thinking is a form of electromagnetic field, because the content of thought physical devices do not decode.

Another simplified understanding of consciousness has arisen due to the success of Cybernetics and the computer’computer technology. It Wops’is associated with the attribution of the properties of man to think and feel. Indeed, today's computer’computers - this machine, efficiently maximize the capabilities of human thinking, have the property of self-regulation, as well as storing and transforming information. However, the analogy between the operations, their exercise machines, and those, that occur in the human brain, does not give grounds for recognition of the ability of thinking.. Human consciousness, as shown by previous statement, due to the deep potentialities of existence; it is able to produce a substantive definition and a reference framework of processes and phenomena of reality, which, as noted, not physically-observable. them creates human consciousness, and lays in information programs. By themselves, these programs in their substantive meanings are only open to human intellect. Moreover, in the functioning of human consciousness are manifested not only rational-logical components and factors, but intuition, unconscious, flair, emotions, volitional impulses, etc.

Consciousness cannot be reduced to information, then as the comp ‘computers and electronic machines operate only on the basis of information processing. In addition, in the framework of information processes, as evidenced by the so-called “theorem Godela”, impossible full and final formalization of any set of knowledge. Because electronic machines only work with formalized information, so far their, if they have undeniable advantages in the field of operational capabilities, obviously, cannot be identified with the action of consciousness.
