
The philosophy and ideas of Grigory Skovoroda

A unique system of philosophical and poetic perception of the world developed the most famous pupil of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Grigory Skovoroda .

Biography G. The pan is known in great detail. Born 3 December 2021 g. in the village the Seamy side of Lubny district of the Poltava region in the family was enough wealthy Cossack free. The philosopher received a good education. He first studied at a local school, and later at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. In 1741-1744 pp. served as a singer in the court chapel in St. Petersburg. In 1750-1753 pp., while abroad, continued self-education, studying philosophical and other works in Hungary, Austria, Slovakia, Poland. Germany, perhaps - and in Italy; there is an assumption, what, possible, G. Pan listened to the lectures And. Kant. After returning to Ukraine in 1753 g. he taught poetics in Pereyaslav Collegium; later was a home-Gregory Panteacher, a teacher at the Kharkov Collegium. In the end, because of disagreement with Church mentors, G. The pan finally stops teaching and the last almost 25 years leads the life of a traveling preacher-philosopher. Died G. Pan 9 November 2021 year in the village of Ivanivka in Kharkiv. On his tombstone at his request wrote: “The world tried to catch me, and not caught’“.

 G. Pan was a rare example of coherence of his philosophical system and their own life behavior, fully (no exceptions) based on the synthesis of emotional and rational spheres of human beings. The philosopher is never in anything not to give up their beliefs, not coveted for the temptations, lived that way, he knew his own nature, his philosophical system worked with the voice of this entity, and not on someone's order. “The world tried to catch me, and don't get caught’1” - these words at the request of the sage were cut on his tomb. In these words-credo, which at that time was as difficult, as now.

Teaching G. Pans set out in numerous works, among them: “Reasoning about poetry and a guide to not’D (1769), “The Narkis” (1771), “Ashani” (1767), “The conversation, named - two” (1772), “Ring” (1775), “Israeli snakes”, “Lot's A Woman”, “The flood SMN” (1791), “A friendly conversation about the spiritual world”.

 Modern appraisal philosophy G. The pan is complicated by the fact, that his figure is to some extent shrouded in ideological stratifications. However, about the actual philosophy, here, unfortunately, yet very few thorough and convincing research; the retelling of the ideas of Pan has long been a cliché with a constant set of units: three worlds, the two natures, the call to self-knowledge, attention to the voice of the heart, related work. I should say, the translation of philosophical thoughts G. Skovoroda in parepin through a defined set of elements greatly simplifies these thoughts, and the real meaning of his philosophy, as discussed separately, by themselves, these thoughts appear in the context of European philosophy is not very original. Crucial in assessing the philosophy of G. Skovoroda has a few things.

First, almost all of their main ideas it introduces some nuances, which, in the end, be decisive in their final sense.

Secondly, his philosophy - this phenomenon is organic whole, soaked the only topics, moods and ideas. At the time, B. Pascal, assessing the philosophical innovations of Descartes G, agreed, the vast number of components of the philosophy of the latter is borrowed, however, all these components are introduced in such a context, with, what overall philosophy appears completely new. The same can be said for the philosophy of G. The pan. *X* Finally, thirdly, G. Pan represented the special type of philosopher, which philosophy considers both the direct spiritual concentration own life, but life itself doesn't imagine any other, as built in accordance with the principles of his philosophy.

 Philosophical ideas G. The pan

• the first subject, worthy of philosophical understanding is people, since, not knowing, what is man, we have nothing to measure everything else;

• the most important task of man is self-knowledge, therefore, you should practice the slogan “Know thyself!”;

• this man's privileged position is due to the fact, it's there “microcosm”‘ — small world, which is equal to “the macrocosm”-the big world;

• people, as the seed contains in itself potentially all the deep elements of the world;

• self-knowledge reveals the basic: people, as a microcosm, consists of two natures dark, storey, changeable (material) and bright, eternal, deep (spiritual); the last nature is God, the truth, the essence of being;

• it is in human cognition manifested deep foundations of the world, after all, big world consists of two natures, however, only people (small world) it has the ability of self-knowledge;

• through self-knowledge one enters into dialogue with the larger world, as the facilitator of a special symbolic world, or the world of the Bible, which also had external nature and of internal ^symbolic world had that feature, its external shape is most adequately expressed the spiritual and invisible nature of boesten;

• material and spiritual nature of Sovetsky, so between: them are tense relationship, none of the material form is not identical to the unity and simplicity of the spiritual nature;

• hence goal in life man: to penetrate through the material related business is it of yours ( “the something similar work “) and in the life to find their happiness.

Outlined leading thoughts G. Fryer testify, he, first, “allowed” myself in those days to have such a mentality, which in many points differed significantly from the sanctioned by the Church, and, secondly, he in some degree revived in Ukraine, that type of philosophizing, cultivated in Kievan Rus was called “philosophizing in Christ”. This was the philosophy, which is most appreciated, the merging of life and spiritual enlightenment, act and morality. It follows, what G. Pan was not just a philosopher, philosopher and special cultural-historical type.
