

Chinese philosophy has developed in the period VIII-III of art.. to n. e. In historical and philosophical science there is no generally accepted criterion for the periodization of Chinese philosophy. Therefore, its history can be divided on various grounds. For example, in order for the change of ruling dynasties, according to the European principle of arrangement is chronological milestones (ancient, medieval, new, the latest periods), in Proslav branching of the main directions. But, using any criteria, you can still safely assume, its inception, the Chinese philosophy from “the first philosopher of Taoism, Confucianism and the teachings of the authors of the "Book of changes". The commentary to the "Book of changes" marked the beginning of the philosophy of China.

The history of Ancient China is falling apart (not counting the Neolithic) six periods:

• Shang-Yin (18-12 St. to ad);

• Zhou - Western Zhou (12-8 St. to ad);

• Zhou - Eastern Zhou - LEGO (that is “individual States”);

• Zhou - Eastern Zhou - Jango (that is “b’by the state”);

• the Empire of Qin (221-206 gg. to n. E.);

• Han (the end III of art.. . n. e. - II St. B. E.).


In Ancient China, the mythology was poorly developed. The ancient Chinese were very practical people.

Philosophy in China occurs at the end of the third period in the history of Ancient China and gets its highest peak in the following period of Jango. This period “struggling States, Samuel” was also the, what is often called “the Golden age of Chinese philosophy”.

Indeed, in those days, freely and creatively there were six main philosophical schools:

• Confucianism;

• mOsm;

• school of law ( “FA-Jia”), European - of legalism;

• Taoism;

• school “Yin-Yang” (naturfilosofi);

• school names ( “min-Jia”).

In most schools was dominated by practical philosophy, stand’linked with the problems of worldly wisdom, morality, management. This almost entirely refers to Confucianism, mosmo, of legalism, ideological Foundation of political and ethical doctrines which have been, or weak, or borrowed from other schools, for example from Taoism - the most philosophically of the six schools of ancient Chinese philosophy. Ancient Chinese philosophy was malosse. This is due to the, that it was scarcely stand’connected with science, which existed in China, as well as weak development of ancient Chinese logic. In China no Aristotle, was weak and racontant ancient Chinese philosophy. The ancient Chinese language itself without suffixes, and Flexi hampered the production of abstract philosophical language, but philosophy - Outlook, using philosophical language. 
