
General characteristics of non-classical philosophy characteristics of non-classical philosophy

Under non-classical philosophy is commonly understood as a set of disparate philosophical trends, emerged in Western Europe in 19 St. outside of German classical philosophy. Last, however, has a direct relationship to the emergence of these currents, because it is the very fact of its presence and influence on the minds of his contemporaries, stimulated a critical attitude and the desire to overcome it.

Starting with the Renaissance and modern times and until the mid 19 St. in Western Europe developed and enhanced the tradition of rational philosophy, which found its final formulation in the philosophical systems of German classical philosophy, first of all, And. Kant and G. Hegel.

The real story 18 and 19 article, however, never claimed that philosophy: ascended to the summit of human values, the mind was powerless to explain, and to prevent disharmony and chaos, which became the content of social life. Together with the collapse of Napoleonic France in the early 19 St. were confounded high-minded ideals of the Enlightenment (mind); in the 30-40 g. g. in Germany and France escalated the class struggle, that marked an irreconcilable position in society. This split has been exacerbated by the end of 19 St. and resulted in the attempt at radical reconstruction of the very foundations of economic and social life (The Paris Commune in 1871 G.). The Franco-Prussian war 1870 - 1871g. g. rendered their verdict to the spiritual values of the age of reason. Progressive illusions about the future Golden age were dispelled.

  Another factor, that pushed the German classical philosophy, was the revolution in natural science and the industrial revolution. The triumph of chemistry, the creation of the theory of conservation of energy, the discovery by Faraday of electromagnetic induction, By ampere's theory of magnetism; until the end 19 St. the discovery of radioactivity, x-rays and so on, could not remain unnoticed by the public consciousness. All this occurred against the background of intensive use of knowledge for production modernization and technological innovations. The world has changed in the eyes: the first railway, the first car, the first experiments of Aeronautics, the electric Telegraph and light bulb, then the phone, Rados’communication and much more. Technique aggressively intruded into the spiritual life, taking in it a leading position. The European was involved in this process; science and technology became more valuable “philosophy”, because their use promised new benefits.

Attracts attention and that circumstance, as population explosion, what happened on the European continent. If during the period from 6 in 1800 g. Europe's population failed to exceed 180 million. people, starting with 1800. in 1914. it has reached 460 million, that is increased more, than 2, 5 times. The arrival of the masses into the arena of history has marked both a shift in the culture. Classical philosophy could not be a success outside of University departments.

Dynamic 19 century, as you can see, broke many of the usual people. With high hopes and were anxious anticipation, and concerns, and the fear of the unknown. All this heightened interest in the purely human forms of life, which rational philosophy was silent. Of course, made the content of non-classical philosophy, namely, existentialism, ideas And. Schopenhauer, “philosophy of life”, pragmatism and positivism, despite his commitment to science, experience, utility,. etc. in fact there are rachorses. The care from the mind, denial as spiritual values is an essential feature of non-classical philosophy.

Another common feature of pluralism (the plurality) concepts, ideas, approaches, currents, kind “... ” among the philosophers. The reason, what happens can be understood only in the case, if you hear it all together, and not separately each of them.

Non-classical philosophy marked a greater attention to the person, try to see it in all the complexity of its multifaceted nature. This is the humanitarian content.

