
The concept of consciousness. Signs of consciousness

Consciousness - This amateur, samostalni the process of inscribing individual events, phenomena, impressions, sensations in total (the only, comprehensive) subject field of intelligent design. This is how the individual consciousness, this is how the historical consciousness of mankind, this is how scientific knowledge.

One of the great mysteries of the world is the human ability to perceive, to understand reality, that is human intelligence. It is striking in its beauty and power, nevitably and versatility. In General, qualitative features of human intelligence define the term consciousness, therefore, the question about the nature of consciousness, its occurrence and possible for centuries, were excited by the best representatives of humanity, inspired search and creative UPS. Music, poetry, all art, scientific exploration of the depths of being and other areas of intellectual activity seek to reveal the possibilities of human consciousness and unique magical inner world of man.

First impressions of the minds appeared in the ancient times, when people came to the conclusion, the processes, that occur in their heads, different from the processes of nature, their view of the world, and therefore place in it, apart from the animal. Such special properties attributed to the soul as the manifestation of something supernatural.

First the complexity of understanding and study of consciousness stand’s associated largely with the, what we cannot observe phenomena of consciousness directly, sensually, can't measure them, explore using a variety of devices. For example, famous American neuroscientist I. Pribram wrote, that at any level of research of the human brain is not fixed then, what we call thought, although the brain does not explore otherwise, than proceeding from the thesis, he is the organ of thought and consciousness. RAS connection with such sometimes put forward quite radical assertion, what of consciousness as a singular entity does not exist, that IT is possible to reduce or to functions and processes of the human body, or to reactions of the nervous system of the human organism to external factors (behaviorism in psychology, philosophical currents of naturalistic direction).

Only in the XX century. was published a number of works, aimed at communicating that, that actually there's no such, what could be called mental phenomena or consciousness. It was fairly common (and still in our time) the interpretation of consciousness as a special form of reflection of reality. If consciousness is interpreted as a reflection, it is deprived of any ontological status, that is, it is assumed, she does not make in reality nothing new. Consciousness as a form of reflection of reality endowed with the capacity only to reproduce and precompensate existing forms of life. It should be recognized, for some science (biology, psychology) the theory of reflection was productive.

Signs of consciousness:

1. special, nebuloni type of behavior

2. the use of cultural objects according to their purpose

3. the operation is not explicitly granted (subject) content reality

4. production in, does not exist (creativity)

5. it (broadcasting) focus of actions and thoughts of man

The first sign of consciousness can be considered a special type of human behavior. We can call it “abology”, because the man is not only under the pressure of vital needs, not only in the direction of finding ways to meet them; she does not act according to the scheme “incentive - reaction”, and sometimes (and quite often) - despite the biological rationale and smothering (for example, in cases of self-immolation, suicides, etc.). Human activity, as it has been already discussed in the previous sections, becomes Amateur, it introduces the human in a fundamentally different, in comparison with the biological, type of behavior.

About nebuloni type of human behavior show how the orientation, and semantic content of human action: they are carried out on the basis of sociocultural processes using artificial tools and means of life, that man has created itself. All of these tools are like new, however, for a person - the most important environment of activity, they seem to extend and strengthen its natural bodies.

With the help of reason man is able to see it, what really, in its current form does not exist. For example, Mason sees in the future stone product, the blacksmith in the metal - the next thing. When we keep before him the text, we see with light surface marks, but see there's something fundamentally different. Fly, that creeps over painting of the painter, not thrilled, what is behind the paints and canvas; this is only available to humans, gifted minds. The functioning of consciousness stand’s related to the special subject content of reality, which sensually for us, and developed on the basis of experience of activity in the historical process of socio-cultural life.

Here - goal-oriented conscious activity: the ability of the mind to create images of the future (need) the results of the action continue to focus on, which in finished form, that is actually, does not exist. Often referred, that exists not only here and now, in General. So, the law of human activity is its conditionality is not the, what acts on man from the outside, meanwhile, what produced consciousness. Therefore, when assessing human activity, it is important to consider not only its result, but her intentions, goal. In this, in particular, manifests the creative nature of human consciousness. When considering the signs of consciousness, we can not avoid the question: and as people can attest to the presence in her mind, does not exist? First of all real action, the real creation of new things: when master teaches apprentice, he quite often tells him not so much “theory” own actions, but just attract him to the activity, the action demonstrates your expertise. However, this can be done only for relatively simple processes; in other cases it is necessary to have special means for transmission of the substantive content of consciousness, which can be right to demonstrate. Such means become the signs (or, wider - iconic activities), among which the most important role belongs to language (first of all — broadcasting). Language is the very first and obvious sign of consciousness; it is on the basis of language the ancient people distinguished man from animal, and “their” people from “the Germans”.

So, the need for language at ‘is the need to fix the meaning, who cannot pass a simple demonstration of things. From here becomes clear, that language becomes the main carrier of the historical experience of (a certain person, certain people, specific culture).

Greater miracle consciousness appears either as, what, although it is not recorded by any instruments and indicators, she can fix herself. This unique ability is called self-awareness or human consciousness chemoreflex (or thoughts). Can, even, so to speak: don't need no instruments, - suffice it to draw your conscious attention to the fact, what's going on inside our mental processes for the sake, to verify the real existence of consciousness. The truth, for this we need to be human and to be human in the way of being; that is, you can say, that person (developed, formed) the question of the existence or non-existence of consciousness appears as the question of its identity, and, of course, it, what is not in the human way of being, so (that is, the internal fixation of consciousness) to carry out not capable.

In the self-consciousness manifests itself the moment of consciousness substantial, that is, the time,when consciousness for its existence does not require any external reinforcements or representations,when she finds herself in your same “first” (or “last”) the evidence, what, in the end, and enables a person to stand sub’the object of knowledge and activity, that is the and myself to produce its effective activity. It Wops’s connected and the ability of the consciousness to assess the validity, to judge it, but to this spell we turn in the following questions.

So, consciousness has unique properties, which predetermine the impossibility of direct study and measurement; however, initial signs of consciousness allow us to affirm its real existence, but in the special qualities and characteristics.
