
Parallel connection of energy consumers of a current

Parallel connection of consumers is depicted in figure. 16.10. Note, the point, which converges more than two conductors, called a node (B and C in figure. 16.10).


All together, the parallel connected conductors form the branching, and each of them is called a branch. With a parallel connection of consumers to calculate the currents, voltages and resistances are also four rules.

  • In parallel connection the voltage on the individual branches and branching the same:

U1 = U2 = U3 = U (16.25)

  • Current before and after branching is equal to the sum of currents in separate branches:

ICOUPLES = I1 + I2 + I3 (16.26)

This may be determined by the readings of ammeters.

  • The currents in the separate branches of a branching is inversely proportional to the resistances of these branches:

  • The conductivity of the branching is equal to the sum of conductances of individual branches:


Note, what is the equivalent resistance of the branching is always less than the smallest resistance in its component branches. In the case, when all the branches in branching the same, the total current in the circuit will be:


where I1 — the current in one branch, and m is the number of branches. The equivalent resistance of a branching:


If the voltage between nodes remains constant, the currents in the branches are independent from each other. From this it follows, in most cases in practice, for consumers it is convenient to use parallel connection.
